All Quests done by Alex Afrasiabi Need to be Deleted or Reworked

The “Guys, I know we found him with a bloody glove in his back pocket but let’s wait for the facts!” bit is one of my favorite forms of midwittery.


Little did you know that I planted that bloody glove in his back pocket.

Can’t wait for the argument that running around with thunderfury means you’re a predator. Just too predictable at this point :confused:


This would be hilarious actually. “Yeah, I think he’s one of those Thunderfury guys…”



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It’s a feature of the criminal justice system.

Doesn’t exist in the court of public opinion.

You mean how Kael’thas VA was replaced even though he was innocent?
And how Swifty’s npc was removed same day?

These 2 were after Afrasiabi left blizzard over obvious reason. They were investigated for 2 years, they knew about this, and npc remains in game.


I doubt anyone read the full filing…

Blizzard didn’t even deny the allegations against him, they just claimed to not have known up to this point.

Then they had him quietly leave the company.

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Not sure, let’s ask Swifty and Quinton Flynn about that.


Screw each of those hashtags but how would one even find out which quests a particular dev makes?


We’re pretending it ever existed in the first place?

The only answer is to really remake the entire game from scratch, assets and everything. Maybe fix Silvermoon this time around.


nope its a waste of time

Jesus, lol. :joy:


I did, and there’s more details in the filing that make what the articles say look like the PG version

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Actually I’d say being able to prove something is a requirement to scorn or punish a person for it. But you do you torch and pitchfork mob.

I thought in the US it was shoot first ask questions later?


So anyone who doesn’t get their assault videotaped, what do you say to them? Too bad, so sad?

Doesn’t exist anymore- cancel culture is strong

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