All new Extreme Mode for Hardcore WoW Players!

Hello, I am >Random Dev<

We heard a lot of people talk about how WoW isn’t hard enough, well, now we have created ‘Extreme Mode’ for those elite players of our game.

Here are some of the features we will implement:

You start off with nothing, and you must find a rock or stick. Since the HP/Damage disparity is too much to balance, in Extreme Mode, you only do 1 damage and the mobs have 100 hit points; even the level 1 mobs have boss-like mechanics!

We took out customization, instead you get a randomly selected look for your character. We saw how much people didn’t like customization because they want a game where you just loot and stab.

No story! We decided in Extreme Mode, you’re far too busy bashing 500 HP moths with a stick that you won’t need to know nor care about the lore!

Looting will be more realistic: In order to loot, you must hold the “LOOT” Button down and click your main mouse click for each finger on your hand. Yes some races have less fingers, but are you willing to sacrifice your favorite race just to loot faster?

And now, the final update, we will take out flying mounts, who cares how hard you’ve worked on them! Flying mounts make it too easy and this is Extreme Mode.

What features would you all like in the new EXTREME MODE WoW for Elite Players?

Ive suggested this before many years ago, but tbh it would be way too much work for the devs. They have a hard enough time keeping up with the content as it is, theyd basically be having to tune everything for two completely different versions of the same game if they did this.

The most hardcore feature in wow is the Looking for Raid.

Hello, >Random Dev< here again

We added a joke detector in EXTREME Mode!

Now available for Xbox Series X and PS5

That would require extreme patience, no stubbornness , willing to learn , lot of preparation ,self learning and no whining. There is gonna be a lot of grinding, lot of rng, a lot of rerolls , great social skills and you wouldn’t have any guide to refer to as you are the first one out there.

No one is like that in wow, only very few members from the world first team are. Take covenants for example if your goal is to be the best then RPG ,RNG, factions, classes, spec wouldn’t matter. You would do what is required and achieve your goal .

This sort of extreme mode will initial get a lot of try hards thinking they are and realizing base game is better within a month .