All i can say is WOW

With MoP remix being here ive been leveling classes i havent played in quite some time. I leveled a Frost DK and could believe how underwhelming it was . Next i decided to play a shaman. The last time i really played shaman was actually when MoP was retail. It was fun…however i cant really say the same for now.

I should also say that even though there is not pvp in Remix i have went with a PVP spec since i like to pvp . So that may be a reason but still. …too much bloat

Im just overwhelmed by the amount of buttons and spells. Everytime i level i look through the talent tree hoping to god that the next talent points i spend will be on passive talents. Does anyone know if shaman is getting a major re-work for the bloat in The War Within?


As someone who no-lifed the last year of MoP and used to consider it my favorite iteration of Enh

the Elementalist build is more fun than MoP enh, imo. A lot more fluid, less burst dependant.

edit GRANTED s4 we’re kinda weak atm because Blizz forgot we existed half way through the xpac (until the small buffs today)


No. Not even a little bit. There have been 0 changes in alpha.

Lol… please see my post regarding our frustrations with the complete and utter lack of ANY communication regarding the shaman class for 4 expansions now in alphas.


Bring back MoP stormblast imo


Nothing has been announced so far, and with beta starting in a couple of days it is very unlikely.

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