All Hunter specs still bottom tier after mediocre buff. DON'T BE QUIET!

no one is being quiet. blizz doesn’t give a dam and for some reason fails math every balance pass.

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LOL since MM is pretty bad now thinking of trying SV. Anyone have any expereince with in PVE how is it? Is the damage really good or worse than MM?

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All 3 specs are in a very bad spot if you are looking for high end content, quit or reroll moonkin


It’s pathetic they are still having to balance at all much less messing it up. I thought about coming back after taking a break after shadowlands came out. Looking at the hunter forums though I think I’ll pass.

Viable? Venthyr and Necro powers are still garbage, they need complete reworks, not additional damage percents.

Oh just bugger off mate. 99.9% of players are not playing competitive. Live and let live

i keep seeing people saying that was bugfix, this is what it gets me… usually this people have no idea how the game works, are new to it, or just trolls…

i wanna point out that when the skill was designed intended for everytime the target got HIT, which made rapid fire just melt people…CLEARLY got nerfed for a reason, then they changed the tooltip to “…While the Wild Spirits are active, each damaging ability you or your pet use against a target in the area will strike up to 5 nearby targets for (38.5% of Attack power) Nature damage.” so…either fix the tooltip to make it accurate to the result you want, or stop nerfing because of the lack of foresight

this game became a huge dps/log meter, if you are healer you have to heal more, if you are a dps you have to dps more, if you are a tank means you cant do either, as long we have a android as creative director we will be bound to numbers result

Comparing the best MM hunter in the world with the best other classes (Did a SIM today mar 30th, 2021):

MM: 5,682 DPS
Fire Mage: 6,790 DPS
Balance Druid: 6,607 DPS
Shadow Priest: 6,898 DPS

How is this balanced?!
This does not make sense at all!


Uh… Are you sure they weren’t in PVP gear or M+ talents? I sim 6085~ DPS in single target talents and I definitely do not have BIS gear.

the problem was that 20% of our dps was the covenant, and that nerf hit it hard… so we need improve dmg on the normal skill rotation, to even out the dps loss… more dmg on aimed shot…3sec cast is too long for the damage

They are all in their M+ setting not ST.
The number one hunter has PVP trinkets though.
I also did a SIM on “Tributroll” No#3: 5,723!

I mean you’re simming pvp talents, conduits and soulbinds. I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove.

Are you saying they have PVP build because they are Kyrian or have one PVP trinket? May be I am missing something.
I am just generally saying that the DPS is much lower than other classes.

Tributroll’s set up is literally a PVP set up and has no bearing on PVE performance. If you swapped him to Night Fae, swapped his talents to ST talents, swapped his legendary to SST he’d be at 6230~ DPS.

It’s an apples to oranges comparison you’re trying to make.

Since I did SIM the other class with their M+ talents, I don’t think we should necessarily factor in that MM should be in ST talents.
For science I also picked a Night Fae hunter with M+ talents (no PVP Trinkets)…
“NUKEUR” => 5,693
Again I think shows the average DPS for M+ compared to the other classes in the same settings.

Except that there’s basically no sim that can accurately model dungeons for Hunters… Dungeon Slice isn’t accurate. Hectic Add Cleave can work… but you need to run like 3-4 different sims to compare the different scenarios.

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I’m sick of BM hunter getting worse and worse. I don’t enjoy MM. What’s the problem fixing this, Blizz?

I looked up the best DPS in the world on Warcraft Logs and compared them with each other this was the results:

It seems the highest DPS fight all around is Mythic Huntsman. If I compare the top in world Affliction Warlock with the top in the world MM Hunter these are the results of DPS (at 100 parse):

MM: 9,268.1 DPS
AFF: 11,743.9 DPS

That’s insane. And just for fun I also looked up BM and SV for comparison on Huntsman (I had to use the number 2 SV player, because the number 1 SV player didn’t do as well on Huntsman):

BM: 8,161.1 DPS
SV: 7,925.7 DPS


dispite what mama makes you believe not all are equal special

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