All Citrine Gems are now Available

I think they meant a reset that will last a few hours.

But this isnt the first time. They keep doing this bad behavior. And they get PLENTY of feedback on PTR about such tings and ignore it. Its not hard to get right if you listen to PTR testers.

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So you are saying “get it right the first time or don’t bother getting it right at all”

It says today they’re working on a hotfix, and the would like us to get the gems this week. There are still a few days left in “this week” so maybe it happens tonight or maybe it’s tomorrow.

They have PTR for a reason. To get feedback on how players feel about things as well as testing for bugs/glitches.


I logged out to see if there was a patch about 5mins ago, there wasn’t, but when I logged back in, I have the little green gear at the top of the screen saying “Game data is currently being downloaded” so, fingers crossed.

Just say what you mean and stop side stepping it. If they don’t get it right the first time then you think they shouldn’t bother getting it right at all

Ah the famous “soon”

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Ahh. All you addled addicts foaming at the mouth.

Sleep on it and check in tomorrow

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It’s more the fact they get feedback on the PTR that something is a bad idea, they ignore said feedback, then when they don’t see people engaging with the content, they change it, claiming they heard that feedback, and some people will sing them praises and talk about how they are so great at listening to feedback.

If they just listened to the feedback they got on the PTR they could skip the second round of feedback once it goes live and make players happy from the start.


It’s not like this is their first rodeo. They’ve been doing this for 20 years.

So by now, after 20 years of learning, refining processes, having internal guides/memos/etc.

Yes, They should get it right the first time. It shouldn’t take multiple attempts of “fixing” something that everyone knows won’t go over well. They should fix it, 100%, but it honestly shouldn’t have ever hit that stage.


it’s a fantastic update to an issue that should never have gone live in the first place. did the PTR not pick up on this and so didn’t kick up a stink? Is there a faction of the WoW devs that really love timegating and work to introduce it to everything that they can - because it’s the most unpopular thing ever. Just don’t do it to begin with Blizzard and then you won’t have to reverse course.

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I cannot even begin to tell you how much feedback was given over the past three beta cycles that was completely ignored. It just isn’t worth our time anymore

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Priority list. If the ring works and isnt broken, then it can deal with a time gate while other issues take the limelight

Very happy. I will take all the alts out there later this evening. Glad they saw our unhappiness with that ring and acted instead of waiting for a patch (aka: hotfixing it)

Yeah, I get that, and I agree. However, it’s still worth being happy that they’re changing it at all. Again, saying “you should have gotten it right the first time or else not fixed it at all” is ridiculous

is blizzard doing that thing that students do where they say they’ll get an assignment in today and then submit it at 11:59 PM -_-


I’m starting to think this will go live with the next reset, it being Friday and its still not live.


Look… I try not to be overly critical, but this patch is WoD Titter integration levels of poor. I don’t know what is going on behind the scenes, but it FEELS like you are stretching the team too thin an we are just getting these really strange fill-the-gap copy-paste patches now and they just aren’t worth playing.

bliz dont work till midnight. I expect it on monday.