Alex Afrasiabi's utter lack of credentials

So you’d recommend that no one purchase or play WOW for 3 years when it’s time for the trash team to vomit a filler expansion on us?

I recommend people do whatever they want because it’s all subjective anyway. Even during the long content drought of WoD I kept playing because I was having fun with my friends in the amazing raids. If you’re ever not having fun then you should not force yourself to play.


A slightly off tangent though, I wonder what drives a lawyer in Ion’s case and in Ghostcrawler’s case, a marine biology major into video game? In my country lawyers are generally head in a higher regard due to the effort and expense of becoming one.


A variety of factors.

The Videogame industry is very young compared to other media industries. Many colleges have added videogame related courses only very recently compared to say music, literature, film, theater, etc.

Videogames are enjoyed by a large number of people from very different backgrounds and they naturally develop an interest in it. There’s also a lot of people who dabble in computer programming, graphic design, writing, music, etc.

Unfortunately, game design isn’t exactly the most consistent when it comes regular/reliable work. Most people do it as a hobby or engage in freelance work while paying the bills with other jobs.

The result is that most videogame development teams -especially pre-2000 and any that aren’t part of large established corporations- are not made up of someone with a “Videogame Degree” putting together a crack team in order to execute their vision. It’s usually a bunch of friends who mod/code/design games for fun and decided to take a risk and see if they could make it into something more.


My boss is an ex-lawyer. He left his career because of the 80 hour work week.

I mean, they pride themselves on the fact that people who started out as normal employees have giant positions now. I’m not sure why you’re surprised. They’ve publicly boasted that people like Ghostcrawler joined the company with no relevant experience and became senior staff.

Not sure why there’s suddenly an outcry about it now.

He doesn’t like the story and is blaming it on the writer’s lack of formal training.

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Oh yeah that’s totally obvious, which is interesting.

Love her or hate her (And I think the hate is so absurdly over the top and unjustified), that argument is so nonsensical when you have actual authors like Christie Golden now on Blizzard’s payroll actively working on the game’s narrative.

For most of the Warcraft franchise’s existence, the people deciding all the major story stuff were a bunch of warhammer fanboys and people with an unhealthy obsession for warfare and orcs.

Also people complained when Metzen was in charge of the story anyway, so this is nothing new.

Who is he related to that could put him in that position?

Or did you mean Cronyism?

And your feelings that he’s not qualified means nothing either. All it means is you need someone to blame for your dislike of a story in a game.


Piss off Alex. Knew you were a hack, turned out you’re a sex pest as well.


Honestly in my experience coke heads do pretty well in the corporate world. Their amphetamine addled mind is often mistaken for a go getter attitude. And it sure is easy to keep up that positivity dojo attitude when sleep deprivation and chemically induced euphoria have you in the throws of psychosis. The business world is run by dishwater dull bean counters who have no reason to find it odd Johnson sure seems to use the bathroom a lot, and come out extremely animated everytime.

Also please don’t mistake this for me belittling people struggling with addiction issues. I do, and most of my early 20s still feel like a hazy dream for the trouble. Never sexually assaulted anyone though. Or even regularly assaulted one.

And full disclosure I made some horrifically miscalculated grand romantic gestures. Certainly made some women wildly uncomfortable but I’m still friends or friendly with all of them. Because if you’re interested in a person as a, ya know, person and not as some plaything- you’ll exit stage right the millisecond you register you’re causing them discomfort. Seriously that level of cringe reflected back at you in somebody’s eyes will punch through any drug addled haze.

And now I’ve actually a pretty successful relationship. Because I’ve about a coven’s worth of surrogate sisters I can run stuff by. And I can do the same for them with men. Turns out we did actually love eachother just not in that way. Hell one of them used to main a Gnome for Christ’s sake, what was I thinking.

And that’s why I have such a roiling rancor for these snot nosed losers who were getting drunk, coked up and harassing women. The whole thing triggers some gorilla esque rage that makes me want to drum on their heads with a cinderblock. Because I’ve met guys like Alex Afrasiabi. Pricks like him came in a lot of flavors, some wilty computer nerds, some uber masculine guys who’d been to a warzone or grew up in one. But in the end they’re all terrified idiots who don’t want to address why they’re such scared little boys piloting grown man mech suits. These are the Lost Boys from Pleasure Island nobody had the good sense to turn into donkeys.

And Christ do I hope somebody brings the hammer down and gives these cry babies something to cry about.


If this is the thread where we pat ourselves on the back for disliking devs before it was cool, let me tell you about my ten year crusade against David Kosak


Your points in this thread were still utterly stupid. Degrees are pretty much useless once you have years of work experience and promoting employees from within is not “nepotism” rofl.


We didn’t listen

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