Alchemy in Classic

I did alchemy originally with herbing, but later switched to mining because it was easier and more gold. I get where you’re coming from with the RP stuff, and if that’s your jam, go for it, sounds fun.

Later on I started working the AH (buying/reselling) and found out that was the best way to make gold. Then I didn’t have to gather anymore either. Alchemy is a lot of work but it’s really cool and if you put in the work it’s worth somd gold too.

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Hehe I’ve never been good at playing the AH. Even though I’m not great at working smart I know how to work hard. But at least Alchemy has that opportunity.

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And being “the Alchemy guy” for your guild is pretty cool, especially in Classic.

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Alchemy isn’t the worst moneymaker for vanilla… but it definitely wasn’t the best…

There will be a lot of competition, and reagents are scarce.

The best money makers in classic wow are LW and Enchanting.

It is definitely nice to be able to provide your own potions. You save a TON of gold and can make a ton as well.

we gotchoo bb

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lol, and black lotus weren’t even tradable until 1.7. Yeah, having flasks early on was very expensive.

Honestly, I don’t even remember using flasks. I remember mana potions, potentially. I remember rarely farming some sort of demonic rune or tablet that was an on use “Life Tap” for all classes. Outside of those, I didn’t really use consumables… maybe I was just cheap…

Exactly this.

Alch/Herb is probably the most profitable profession combination in the game outside of silly devilsaur mafia stuff. The only downside is missing out on all the wonders Eng has to offer.

I always made my alchemists priests, for 2 very simple reasons: Power Word: Shield & Psychic Scream.

Why? pop PWS and you can gather plants even with mobs waking your shield and it wont reset your gathering so long as it does not break.

Got too many mobs on your shield causing it to break too soon? Psychic Scream and they rocket off in all directions so you can continue to gather for a moment…Just make sure you GTFO as soon as you pick that last plant and drop combat or you will be getting eaten by the mobs you feared and the mobs they aggro’d while feared.

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Arcanite transmutes were a 48 hour cool down.

So in regards to Alchemy, what are your guys’ thoughts on specialization? Seems like elixirs will get the most use but a 5proc of Arcanite on those rare moments would be the sweetest thing, so transmute spec is tempting as well. xD

Classic doesn’t have specializations for Alchemy.

…Oh. Oops. Lmao. xD

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I’d Tank that dungeon run for ya :smiley:

I’m going to be going alch / herb on my warrior, CAN’T WAIT

Same, I’ll be tanking the upper level dungeon runs to reserve those flask recipes.

Are flasks still only craftable in scholo and bwl or did they remove that?

Scholo and BWL (required) for classic Era