LF Heals for S4/TWW
Bump, Recruitment ongoing for S4 into TWW.
Priority on :
Enhancement Shamans
Any other class welcome too, Exception to locks which is full atm.
LF Heals and DPS - Enh Shaman for TWW
Bump for ongoing recruitment:
Healer and melee dps (preferably enchancement shaman)
Ongoing recruitment for TWW.
Healer (prefer non priest) , Mage and Melee Dps.
Hi there,
My main is a Mage, and I also have a Warlock alt. I recently resubbed back in Season 4 (about a month ago) and quickly got back into the groove with both characters. I’m looking to participate in both raiding and Mythic+, and I’m dedicated to putting in the time and effort to improve and contribute.
I hope I can be part of ALAMAK’s journey in TWW.
Recruiting for TWW
Recruitment ongoing:
Melee Dps ( War priority)
Healer (holydin preferred)
LFM Heals and DPS for TWW for CE push
hello! friend and i are returning to TWW, not the best logs but we have good background in mythic raiding (CN in shadowlands season 1) here is the link for our experiences [A] Frostmourne Healer AND DPS player looking for CE/Mythic raiding guild for TWW
thanks for considering and do let me know if youre interested!
Recruitment still ongoing for TWW
Recruitment Open !
1 Healer spot : Any except for resto druid (perferably shaman/evoker) with good experience in mythic raiding and CE chasing.
Hi there,
I’m new to retail WoW and would love to join your guild to learn the ropes. While I’m not looking for a raid spot just yet, I’m eager to participate in daily dungeons or Mythic+ runs to gear up for future raid teams.
Currently, I’m playing a Havoc Demon Hunter but also plan to explore Vengeance. Additionally, I’ll be leveling a Death Knight soon!
Thanks for considering me! Looking forward to the opportunity to learn and grow with your guild.
Bump. Recruiting for S2. Currently progging M Queen.
Bump. Recruitment for S2 open.
Hi Guys
Im fury warrior looking for raid and m+ team to settle with.
any discord that i can join for initial inquiry?
ive send Sirana friend request on bnet.
Hi Guys
Im fury warrior looking for raid and m+ team to settle with.
any discord that i can join for initial inquiry?
ive send Sirana friend request on bnet.
Bump. Queen is dead!
Recruiting mage.