Akama Horde Reconnections

Bro, i am not sure if you are who you I think you are. But did you happen to own an internet cafe or something like that!?!

Vessi! <3 Glad you’re on the mend!

A lot of these names sound incredibly familiar - I just can’t distinguish whether they are familiar faces from Vanilla or TBC. :sweat_smile:

Anyway, I was a terrible, and let me emphasize terrible 12 year old Druid (Chrisftw) and Warlock (Crixalis).

I think I kicked you from a UBRS group Chrisftw, I was Iceblast in Chupathingy =D


In all seriousness, this probably happened and I can’t even blame you. :joy:


Well, I would probably not be such a jerk now a days. but 20, and full of booze and testosterone I was a bit of a douche.

Played a female undead mage named cassima on akama. Was in a guild named denwo. Raided almost every night of the week. Downed hakkar, nefarian, mc, aq20, onyxia, and first half of aq40 before we disbanded

Undisputed - Noob Hunter/Rogue from Warpath gonna roll Whitemane Alliance rogue. After 15 years + gonna finally try and learn to pvp or if all else fails just buy some nice little land in STV and camp it 24/7.

So many names I recognize in here from TBC!

Talrend (warrior) / Nakam (hunter) / Veven (priest) from And Pals and briefly in Life Sentence during the end of T6. Hello!

Wait you going alliance

Mx of Chupathingy, Sine Pari, Thunderbears.

Few of us from Chupa still playing and looking at jumping on either Herod or Stalagg at this point to do stuff, and things.

Well this thread is a trip down memory lane, Holy crap. Spark from Chupathingy checking in! Mx, Antigous, Arvandar, and maybe some other old timers i can convince to play, rolling on stallag or herod, depending on what release looks like.

Akama was my home for years, some names in here i miss, some not, haha :slight_smile:

Farm Status & Minnesota Produce Mafia

Its been a while since I’ve played on this server, but if anyone from either of these two guilds are still around, would love to hear from you. and if you want to run with a few of us that used to play here, we are going to be rolling a casual raiding guild horde side on Myzrael server.

Was a Nightelf Hunter by the name of Aromand! any old friends lurking?

Ha, crazy to see someone from Life Sentence back then. I was Kortesh and think I had a warrior too, but don’t really recall his name. Anyone of the rest of the original life sentence crew still playing? I.e. Bullhemoth, Nismo, gandi?

I think back then we had Denkill an undead priest and Rakasha, undead warrior couple that tanked for us often too. Elfbane sounds familiar as well. Few others were banishedfoe, a local friend of mine that played an orc rogue. Honestly don’t recall the other shammies we had back then. I think we moved from Life Sentence, to Warpath for a bit, then to Chupathingy at some point. I’ll probably be rolling alliance this go-around on one of the PST servers.

iirc Bull passed away at one point, Niz kinda lurks around, Gandi or Clearcast I am not sure about. Wootmonger, Irst, and Nyquist are lurking around as well.

I still play Jellyshaman on Akama, if anyone wants to add me on bnet, just send me in-game mail and I’ll add you back :smiley: but I remember so many of you. I felt like Akama’s historian before all the server mergers and such.

I got a buddy of mine who wants to roll on Whitemane but someone took his name… fellas name is Cheem if any of you Akamains took it for good ol times sake or to impersonate him🤦🏽‍♂️ Let me know it would be awesome if he could get his name back. Thanks

sup man, friend saw this and brought it to my attention. hit up my battletag Roark#1179

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Wow, remember tons of people here. Varatrix formerly of Akama up till wrath when I switch away to Tichondrius. Jelly, Undisputed, Harnaka, Talrend, LOL Christftw I def remember, Liljoker! Korr, Merdermitten. Looks like Whitemane is server for most here but Alliance?! IDK that I have that in me haha.

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