Akama History Thread

03/09/2016 02:12 PMPosted by Ryipen
I believe Zaxas is Annaras, right? From Why's The Rum Gone?
I'm sure my name is obvious. Ripen from Akama.

Lol no. Annaras is a very good friend I went to high school with. He played until the end of Wrath and quit. He plays BF1 etc now.

Ripen sounds so familiar! You were a lock too right?

05/05/2016 04:00 PMPosted by Antigone
Bobsauce was one of em.

Oh yea, forgot about that tool.

03/04/2016 03:26 PMPosted by Vektorix
It's a real shame as we started Wrath of the Lich King with such momentum - getting The Immortal and Glory of the Raider. I think we could have done really well in Ulduar had things not gone the way they did.

I remember we got Yogg Saron to 5% our first try and we never got close again. The guild fell apart like a week after you had to leave with your busted up back/arm.

Kinda bummed to see what was such a solid server fall into the depths.
Um, Stifler beat Huntrix (self proclaimed best pvp hunter on Akama) in a 1v1 in Nagrand. 2-0'd. So must be best pvp hunter in Wotlk right? At least made him rage in Ventrillo.
lmao huntrix still around?
Oh nostalgia. Good times.

Favorite Vanilla moments:

1) Getting full warlock tier 0 and asking people to join my group to help summon, then porting them to darnassus.

2) Finishing the tier .5 chain, which enabled me to summon extra bosses into dungeons (Lord Valthalak was the best for ruining UBRS runs- random drakanoid appears whilst fighting the beast)

3) The first time Absolution managed to kill Sulfuron in MC, the tank was near a wall, took a step backwards to repositition (for some reason), which then caused sulfuron to run up the wall, then proceeded to die. A full half hour of wall jumping to get loot ensued.

4) Watching the might gnome warrior Noes smash dudes at BRM. There legit needs to be a statue there in his honor, because I don't think he ever left his post.

5) Leading up to BC, Highlord Kruul starting attacking places. I managed to pull him far enough into IF once, to murder everyone in the AH and the bank. I wish I had the screenshot of trade chat.

Oh, also I was never the GM of Absolution or Under Pressure, those people were Aldred and Breakin (with some weird character- whatever John named his shaman).
So many old names <3 :D
iLLi here sup Akama sup Akamaaa newbz
2x glad one time rank two
03/20/2018 11:30 AMPosted by Tatari

So it begins...
Any old banished folks here? :)

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Who remembers That Seventies Guild?
Gm was a mage named some spelling of Irresistible

Kayrina the troll dagger warrior?

That video of Senday tanking Nefarian

Who was that mage that intentionally racked up tons of DHK's?
I think they were a gnome

What ever happened to Biffer?

I remember being there for FNN's Hakkar first kill on my druid (Nosferatu)

Losing the STV fishing tournament to Spark by only a couple of seconds

Playing the 30's and 40's WSG on my rogue (Melgandra) with some other regulars whose names I can't recall. there was a Human warrior and a NE Druid, and some others. Shout out to that crew, we rocked <3

Was in Unleashed for a short time during AQ, when Demonspike was Dm

So many memories
Xaser was and still is the worst priest on Akama.
02/20/2017 03:53 PMPosted by Zaxan
03/09/2016 02:12 PMPosted by Ryipen
I believe Zaxas is Annaras, right? From Why's The Rum Gone?
I'm sure my name is obvious. Ripen from Akama.

Lol no. Annaras is a very good friend I went to high school with. He played until the end of Wrath and quit. He plays BF1 etc now.

Ripen sounds so familiar! You were a lock too right?

05/05/2016 04:00 PMPosted by Antigone
Bobsauce was one of em.

Oh yea, forgot about that tool.

03/04/2016 03:26 PMPosted by Vektorix
It's a real shame as we started Wrath of the Lich King with such momentum - getting The Immortal and Glory of the Raider. I think we could have done really well in Ulduar had things not gone the way they did.

I remember we got Yogg Saron to 5% our first try and we never got close again. The guild fell apart like a week after you had to leave with your busted up back/arm.

Kinda bummed to see what was such a solid server fall into the depths.

Get my name outta yo mouth scrub, no need to be salty 10 years after I was playing.
Akama was great, was there in <Relisted> when the AQ gates opened. Good times on Akama.
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oh snap, memory lane
Acquired Taste was that guild before the guild fell apart

Where is MDK at!
Didnt Duckeh (think that was his name) have the first glaive combo on server?

I remember him showing them off all the time in IF.
I miss Tatari trolling people in trade chat
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<Wipe Club> killed post-nerf Illidan right before WotLK came out, to add onto the history

AT formed from Eye for an Eye iirc, probably worth mentioning under PvP.

I remember there was a female gnome mage who got rank 14 too (or maybe it was rank 13), I can’t remember their name, though I think they were in Eye for an Eye/AT too.

Also, iirc there’s a key horde guild missing, I can’t remember their name because it was unusual I think, they were #1 Horde guild around AQ40 but disbanded early progression into Naxx. Warpath was #2 until then.

What was the name of that guild that xferred towards the end of vanilla on Alliance, and clashed big time with Unleashed? Was that Unparalelled? I still have a vent recording somewhere between Demonspike and them. They tried to take Emeriss from us (or was it Lethon?), so we called in Warpath to come wipe them out. Warpath was friendly with Unleashed (Shout out to Cheem and Toothpaste!). Good times.

—Card from Unleashed

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I remember when I was really young I got into HKC and ended up leaving it thinking: “Man this guild sucks.”
Not knowing they were a top tier raiding guild. :laughing: