Akama Alliance Reconnections

Hey LP! I definitely remember you

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I can’t remember if I moved from Firetree to Akama before or after TBC…

Character: Koulaid (Human Warrior)
Guilds: Legendary Hero (could be just TBC era)

Good to see some familiar names…

Hard no. Just me these days :slight_smile:


I remember playing with a guy named magallo

You were here for TBC, Gurt still around?

I remember seeing you around. Sadly, you missed the really fun days of FnN, back before Reicth took over, when we ran BGs all night long with Kresill, Lori, and the rest of the crew (Fonzi, Nat, Coltin, Eurasia, and the dudes from The Monkey Knife Fight to name a few). Seeing all these old names pop up on here is really throwing me back to the old days on this server. It’s nice to see.


Phinigin checking in.

I’m shocked anyone remembers me! I never knew you raided with a group of friends. Monet… there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while. I think it was Tauruk (spelled right?) who recruited me into Banished.

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Yaaarrrrrr! :pirate_flag::pirate_flag::pirate_flag:

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Hey let me know your battlenet info so I can add you to the Pirate ship if your interested!

Ice! Man, it’s been a minute lol. Doing very well, hope you are as well.

For anyone interested, there’s a pretty good size group of old Akama players gathering on Whitemane, Alliance. Feel free to join us if you’re looking to see some familiar faces!

Bnet: Magallo#1917
Discord: Magallo#9218

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: )

Xephyyr here, Human ret pally from the guild Holy Shankers. Just looking to see if any of my old rogue bros are gonna be playing. Looking to get back into STV and settle the score with Bastard Clan

Would you happen to have the video? Does it even exist?

Akama’s most annoying Warrior checking in.

Old name: Oakshlinn
Old guilds: Under Pressure, Hello Kitty Club, Acquired Taste (at the very end of my time on Akama)

Anyone that recognizes me is welcome to contact me either here or on discord.


Glad to see you all again and I’m sorry about how obnoxious I was when I was young. Also Felua is doing okay as well. Don’t know if he’s going to play classic.


Character: Styxman, Dwarf Hunter

He is! Sort of… I’m trying to get him to come back for Classic but he needs to build a new pc or something. I saved his name for him on Herod and Stalagg, we’ll see.

Character : Chanax - 60 Protection Warrior
Guild : Judgment / V for Vendetta

Not sure if anyone is still around, but you never know. Raiding with Judgment and everyone that transferred over from Balnazzar was a great time. Still remember walking in to Naxx for the first time. I think I still have our vent recording from our first Instructor Razuvious and Anub’Rekhan kills, lol.

Some people from the guild that I remember… Tripwyre, Vizagoth, Drowkiller, Valstein, Draiden, Elmador, Adrienn, Sywen, Brusaignia, Kowz, Onyx, Xceptional, and Pertrucci.

Character: Killanome Gnome Rogue
Guild: Don’t remember.

Was never max on Akama in classic, but was around 40s and would just sit in IF and follow my cousin Noes around BRM when I was on. In BC I remember doing some arenas with Beastcloud and a couple of the AT guys. I don’t remember any more names besides the popular kids.

So Whitemane is the new Akama I hear?

edit: I remember (heh) iriemember helping me with some rogue stuff too when I hit 70 in BC.

I was in that guild the Phoenix Rising, and I was in Banished my name back The was
Cleymonna I think gnome Mage