Aimed shot

Ooof. Yeah no we just aren’t going to agree. This feels nothing like mop to me. This is wod2.0 to me.

Making everything able to kill a player in a couple of seconds doesnt make the specs good. Sadly that’s the state of the game currently.

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The vast majority of specs are good, for various reasons.

And some of them happen to have access to high burst.

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Most specs have access to extremely high burst. No need to sugar coat it. a “fast meta” shouldnt involve a 2 shot meta. That’s why representation in the arena spectrum is at its lowest point in wow’s history.

I mean it’s not exactly like MoP, just reminds me of it a bit. Mostly in the philosophy of balance. Like I said MoP was very much the “nothing is OP if everything is OP” way of doing things, so many specs were nuts that expansion, to me this feels more like that style of balancing.

I can’t really compare to WoD personally, I quit that expansion very early in due to IRL stuff going on around that time. Perhaps that would be a more 1 to 1 comparison, I don’t have the experience in that expansion to say tho.

I have always hated this talent. Passive execute affect for being at high health that punishes you for healing up. Would MM ever run any other talent in this tier for pvp?

I don’t think you should be able to sit there and face tank multiple offensive cooldowns for a few seconds while trying to decide if it’s worth trading a defensive into.

That’s reminiscent of BFA Battlegrounds where male elf players were backpeddling around tanking four people.

They’ve made most talents/conduits so necessary, that’s like them asking if you want a bazooka, a firearm, or a cookie to go to war with.


In fact up until recently the “one shot” MM build was running explosive shot and surging shots leggo, then using double tapped rapid fire along with explosive shot to land a kill.

I do agree tho, it’s a boring talent that is a nightmare to balance. It’s either so strong it’s a must pick or it’s so undertuned it’s a dead talent. More talents that actually change playstyle is always better IMO.

You used to run explosive shot before when you played Kyrian after the first nerf to double tap and I think CA also got a nerf that got partially reverted or something? Problem is with explosive shot bursting it’s also just super clunky with globals

I think in general though CA and Double Tap end up having somewhat toxic synergy but mostly with Camo, since I think getting bursted mid game by it isn’t necessarily the worst (you still have time to really know it’s coming for example and prepare for it due to the global on double tap)

Idk, I’ve always felt the best fix should have always been making it so double tap broke camo though. Fixes a lot of cheese for sure that way.


Basically MM has clunky mechanics and the insane damage is a band aid fix. Hunters have a weak toolkit overall except maybe for survival. But who rolled a hunter to melee? I’m glad there’s a ranged spec other than BM viable. Also I disagree that survival isn’t anything but a melee spec.

Not sure if it would be best to run munitions leggo and get free ES so I can spec into CA. But holy cow… MM dies so fast w/out Cravens. I use the brooch b/c cc is so rough to deal with as MM.

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That just depends on if you want to build offensively or defensively.

Munitions + CA is the best if you wanna be offensive, craven is best if you wanna be safer. Both are very good in their own regards, all depends on how you want to play.


I’ve always loved this talent and maybe others will disagree but with 32 or whatever specs in the game there needs to be distinctions and variety in strengths.

Outside of CA marks doesn’t have any real damage amps and even it’s main damage CD is just a cast speed/cdr amp and resource generator

Think it’s dope that it can play around stronger openers and play off momentum which is how hunter has always played

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Its so obvious you have never played survival.


In reality more of the issue is probably just its synergy with double tap

I actually just hate double tap in general, CA alone isn’t an issue and double tap aimed shotting or CA don’t really become super problematic until they’re used together


You’re like 800 cr higher than me and main survival. I’d have to be mad to argue with you.

I guess my main issue with survival is that I’ve never played a melee class and I suck at using melee kicks. More of a personal issue i guess


Ya my cr means nothing though haha. Surv is considered a melee class but in reality its only “melee” during gos. Weaving in and out is part of what makes a good surv hunter and I really enjoy it.

The kick is awful though I’ll give you that. Having counter shot would be awesome, but maybe too strong.


MM is in a DECENT spot for the first time in almost a DECADE.



Wow, got the new years party started already eh?


Same for Mages to balance out not being able to use abilities while stealthed.