Keep in mind there are going to be scenarios (most) where DPS is just going to open up immediately, and you’ll have to fight for it. By this I mean Recklessness-> Bladestorm and Reaper’s Mark/Frostwyrm and you’ll be in a load of hurt threat-wise. I often open up with DRW to initiate mitigation and you can then unload your AOE’s to try to keep things on you
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As an M+ tank that has gotten KSH in later seasons of expansions, I do have a few tips:
- choose your pull style, are you going for mass pulls or more for chaining one pull into the next as in as one is near death, you are pulling the next
- for the less mobile tanks, set up “kill zones” for your pulls
- keep an eye on the group, if healer is low on mana but you need to keep the group moving, dial back the pulls for a bit and wait before pulling bosses
3a. find the limits of your group and yours and adjust pulls accordingly - Find any mechanics you can use to your advantage, like the spotters as they were in Siege in BFA
- take an “I don’t care if you pull it, either handle it yourself or drag it to me/my kill zone” attitude, you are responsible for the overall group, you can’t be running down mobs that impatient DPS pull and kite away from you when you are being pounded on or risk losing aggro on the mobs you pulled. But at the same time, accidents do happen, so no point getting bent out of shape over such, and with this attitude, people will, hopefully, know to “run to the tank” in such cases.
- remember, above all else, you are a member of a team in groups, you need to work with your other members just as much, if not more then, they need to work with you.
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Since its possible to become a Werebear of varying colors, everyone should be ok with being a bear!
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- Learn to adjust your pull sizes according to your group’s ability to heal/damage. There’s no sense in doing big pulls if you don’t have the DPS and/or your healer can’t keep up.
- Learn to use your survival CDs pre-emptively and not when you “need” them at less than 50 per cent HP.
- Learn to cycle your survival CDs if you have many on relatively short CDs.
- If you’re doing M+, learn the common dungeon routes. You don’t have to hit 100 per cent mob count on the dot by following an MDI path, but you should also not pull more packs than needed because of the timers.
- Learn to balance your own survival with your personal DPS. If you have difficulty staying alive because mobs are chunking you and the healer can’t manage, maybe save some GCDs for self-heals (where applicable) and learn how to kite to give your healer time to get your health bar back into green territory.
#1 def.
if your dps group is pumping then you can afford to pull big. If they aren’t, then neither your healer nor your defensives will keep you alive long enough for them to finish it off.
All the more reason to be a druid tank. Other tanks have a cast time to mount and if other players see that, they might accidentally be able to keep up. Druids dont have this problem. Insta-mount and disappear!