AI in WoW and it’s applications

The paste is out of the tube on this one and no job is more sacred than any other. :man_shrugging:

They can’t even get the NPC to move at the right speed to not be annoying to follow, they’re definitely not up to getting them to do random stuff.

I’d rather they used AI to identify patterns of bots for quicker action against them. I mean, how hard could it be to find a character logged in for 24 hours that never stops moving?

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I’m normally on the side of ‘keep AI out of any and all creative/artistic endeavors’ but…I bet if they cherry picked some of the most horrifying results (You mentioned trees, so I’m thinking, like, a tree with gnomes or goblins coming out of it, but stuck in the trunk and wailing in pain) for some of the spoopier zones, yeah, that could be fun.

Giving NPCs A.I. is just cruel!

AI Art cannot be copyrighted so you know people will start uploading the AI Art to their computer and random Cartoon Showrunners will start using the Art for all their Fantasy Shows!

Imagine an AI Art Quel’Thalas being used in My Little Pony G6 alongside AI Art Northrend, Outland and Pandaria! That is what Blizzard opens itself to with AI Art!

I called it!
AI upscaling incoming
This is so big :grin: