[A/H][Stormrage] <Eclipsed> Recruiting for Multiple Raid Teams for Season 2!

To the top :slight_smile:

BUMP TO THE TOP!! :slight_smile:

To the top, still looking :slight_smile:

To the top!!

Still looking :slight_smile:

Updated with our current needs :slight_smile:

BUMP still looking!

Updated our needs, still in need of players across multiple teams :slight_smile:

Still looking :slight_smile:

Have a great Saturday :slight_smile:

To the top :slight_smile:

Early morning bump!

BUMP good morning :slight_smile:

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Any need for prot warriors with DPS offspec in any of the m groups? Extensive exp on all roles 90+ parses.

BUMP still looking for classes listed above

Daily bump :slight_smile:

Updated needs :slight_smile:

BUMP updated our progress :slight_smile:

Bump looking for more :slight_smile:

Still looking for people to join our ranks :slight_smile: