[A/H][Stormrage] <Eclipsed> Recruiting for Multiple Raid Teams for Season 2!

Afternoon bump!

to the top :slight_smile:

Bump still looking :slight_smile:

Still need ranged dps

Bump to the top :slight_smile:

To the top!

Could use some ranged dps on our weekend team!

To the top :slight_smile:

Saturday bump

bump to the top!

Bump to the top :slight_smile:

Good afternooon, please reach out if interested :slight_smile:

Bump to the top :slight_smile:

Still looking!

Evening bump!

Looking for a solid tank for our weekend team…contact me if interested :slight_smile:

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

To the top :slight_smile:

Bump to the top :slight_smile:

Still need a tank for our weekend team :slight_smile:

Cosmic Shift (AOTC/Mythic)
8/8N 7/8H Vault of the Incarnates
Saturday and Sunday 7-10:00pm EST
Needs: Healer (Preservation Evoker, Holy Priest, Holy Pally)