[A]<Hierarchy> LF DPS for S4 | 730-1030 EST Weds/Fri

To whoever stole my copy of Microsoft Office, I will find you. You have my Word!

Ranged DPS with healing OS would be sweet

Now 3/10M, any exceptional DPS LF 2 night guild encouraged to inquire!

LF Ranged DPS, would also look at a good Mistweaver Monk

Deeps n Healz still needed, if you can do both well you’re a shoo-in.

Couple heals, couple deeps. Get em while they hot.

Still on the lookout

4/10M, Inerva kill coming soon!!

Ranged and healers, or anyone who can make raid times and not be a potato to help us beat the attendance boss!

4% WIPE on Inerva (multiple sub 10%), we just need 1 or 2 big dps to push us to the kill!!

5/10M. Always on the lookout for new exceptional dps and heals

LF 1 sick tight Warrior DPS for 9.1, and always exceptional LF ranged/heals!

Going into 9.1 we may have a Tank spot open, exception dps or healers always welcome to apply.

Our top recruitment priorities at the moment updated 6/28:

  • 1 Tank (Non-DH)
  • Ranged DPS: Mage, Ele Sham, SPriest, Boomkin, Warlock
  • Melee DPS: DH, DK, Ret, Monk
  • Non-Paladin Healer (Viable DPS OS would be great)

Any exceptional or experienced player is always encouraged to apply regardless of class or spec

Would really like a DH or Shaman DPS, please reach out!

Just looking for some DPS to fill us out now. Really want a DPS DH but anyone that is interested in raiding 2 nights a week with us is encouraged to apply!

3/10H on the first night, if youre a dps DH you know you want in on this!

Your raid times are perfect for me. I have done M+ and arenas for the past few expansions due to work & school, so I don’t have solid logs to provide you. My main is an elemental shaman, but I have played almost every healer & ranged in the game. I’ve hit KSM every xpac and usually sit in the 1800-2k arena bracket, but I finally have time to raid a bit. If you guys are still interested and don’t mind bringing a retired raider to the team, reach out anytime. Dex#1427…I’m currently 3/10 N, but know the first 5 fights. Will know the rest by next week.

5/10H and ready to start the Painsmith Prog! Really LF Resto Shaman atm, top priority alongside DH DPS

6/10H now, still in dire need of Resto Shaman