[A/H]<Eclipsed> Recruiting For Multiple Raid Teams for Season 2!

In need of melee dps, check needs :slight_smile:

Daily bump!!

Melee dps needed!

Morning bump :slight_smile:

Bump for more melee dps :smiley:

Stellar Drift
Saturday and Sunday 7-9:30pm EST
Needs: Frost/Unholy DK, Fury/Arms Warrior

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776 :slight_smile:

Our current needs

Total Eclipse (AOTC Sepulcher)
Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Needs: Havoc DH, BM Hunter, Shadow Priest, Destro Lock, Arms Warrior

Stellar Drift
Saturday and Sunday 7-9:30pm EST
Needs: Arms Warrior

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Still looking!

Sunday bump :smile:

Happy Monday!

Flexible spec dk with some previous mythic experience. Not on your list but feel free to message me if you end up needing bodies for Tuesday and Thursday

Doogiesham #1560 - bnet
Ajatar#7129 - disc

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Dragonflight drops next week! Still looking for players!

Added you :slight_smile:

Updated our needs :slight_smile:

Looking for people that want to do mythic, please reach out to me at Discord: Nakkita#7971

Still looking!

Bump to the top!

Please check needs, updated them

Still recruiting for Mythic? 373 Warlock. Played warlock since Vanilla. Experienced AOTC/Mythic raider. Can play other classes as needed. Looking to start raiding in heroic if possible upon release.

Discord - Billient#3750
Btag - Billient#1810

Bump still looking to fill certain roles