[A/H]<Eclipsed> Multi-Raid Team Guild, LFM for Season 2!

Total Eclipse (11/11H 2/11M Sepulcher, 9/10 Fated Nathria, 9/10H Fated SOD, 11/11H Fated Sepulcher)
Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Needs: Ranged DPS

Dark Star (11/11H Sepulcher, 10/10H 3/11M Fated Nathria, 9/10H Fated SOD, 11/11H Fated Sepulcher)
Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Needs: DPS and Holy Pally

Nova (Learning/Normal)
Saturday’s 8-11pm EST
Needs: Anyone wanting to learn to raid

We are currently looking for a solid team leader for one of our upcoming raid teams…please contact me to discuss or for further info…

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Total Eclipse (11/11H 2/11M Sepulcher, 10/10 Fated Nathria, 1/10M Fated SOD, 11/11H Fated Sepulcher)
Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Needs: Ranged DPS

Dark Star (11/11H Sepulcher, 3/11M Fated Nathria, 1/10M Fated SOD, 11/11H Fated Sepulcher)
Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Needs: DPS and Holy Pally

Nova (Learning/Normal)
Saturday’s 8-11pm EST
Needs: Anyone wanting to learn to raid

We are currently looking for a solid team leader for one of our upcoming raid teams…please contact me to discuss or for further info…

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Happy Labor Day!! :kissing_heart:

We are still in need of people for both teams

Daily bump :slight_smile:

Still looking :slight_smile:

Currently LF fire mage and holy pally

Working on building a 3rd dedicated raid team for Dragonflight. Also welcoming more Mythic plus minded players.

Total Eclipse (11/11H 2/11M Sepulcher, 10/10 Fated Nathria, 1/10M Fated SOD, 11/11H Fated Sepulcher)
Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Needs: Currently accepting applications from all exceptional players

Dark Star (11/11H Sepulcher, 3/11M Fated Nathria, 1/10M Fated SOD, 11/11H Fated Sepulcher)
Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Needs: Currently accepting applications from all exceptional players

Nova (Learning/Normal)
Saturday’s 8-11pm EST
Needs: Anyone wanting to learn to raid or returning to raiding

We are currently looking for a solid team leader for one of our upcoming raid teams…please contact Nakkita to discuss or for further information.

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Daily bump :smiley:

Still looking for a Raid Leader to head another dedicated heroic/mythic team.

Always looking for those that enjoy mythic plus and non-raid events.

Currently looking for raiders, mythic plusers, and people wanting to join a guild to call home…please reach out to me if interested or for further info :slight_smile:

Total Eclipse (11/11H 2/11M Sepulcher, 10/10 Fated Nathria, 1/10M Fated SOD, 11/11H Fated Sepulcher)
Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Needs: Currently accepting applications from all exceptional players going into Dragonflight

Dark Star (11/11H Sepulcher, 3/11M Fated Nathria, 1/10M Fated SOD, 11/11H Fated Sepulcher)
Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Needs: Currently accepting applications from all exceptional players going into Dragonflight

Nova (Learning/Normal)
Saturday’s 8-11pm EST
Needs: Anyone wanting to learn to raid or returning to raiding

We are currently looking for a solid team leader for one of our upcoming raid teams…please contact Nakkita to discuss or for further information.

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

See above :slight_smile:

Recruiting for Dragonflight!

Still looking for exceptional players for raiding as well as people wanting to do mythic plus!

Updated post…still recruiting :slight_smile:

Just opened recruiting for our 3rd Dedicated Raid Team, Stellar Drift. Running Sat/Sun 7 to 930PM EST/ST.

Accepting exceptional applicants for our other two teams.

Recruiting for more mythic+ gang for Dragonflight Season 1.

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Still LFM for weekend raid team :slight_smile:

Our needs for our new team

Stellar Drift (Newly established team)
Saturday and Sunday 7-9:30pm EST
Needs: Healer (No Resto Druids or MW Monks), DPS/Healer Off Spec (Any class), Melee DPS (Monk > DH > DK > Enhance > Warrior), and any Ranged DPS

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Expanding Quickly.