[A][H] <The Midnight> 5/8M & 8/8H - Wed/Mon 7:30pm QLD - LF RDPS for CE prog

bump, still looking for recruits to join us in the pursuit of CE!

I am looking raiding and +m guild. Is your guild still recruiting?
If yes. Could my warrrior as main prot & off Arm DPS join your guild?

Sent mehmma a friend request. Evoker 384ilvl atm looking for Mythic progression/ CE.

QLD time is best time.

bump still looking for RDPS.

bump still looking for dps

bump still looking for RDPS

bump, 3/8M 8/8H still recruiting RDPS, high prio for offspec healer

Still looking for Rdps

bump - always on the lookout.

Bump, looking for Rdps and a Holy Pally
please hit up if interested
Recruitment officers:
Discord: Destruktikus#4480
B.Net: Destruktikus#1540

Discord: Oradix#8068
B.Net: Mehmma#1552

Are you looking for a disc priest?

yeah mate, hit me up in Disc or on Bnet and we can talk through it, we’re interested in taking you

4/8 mythic now, looking for a flex healer

bump. now 5/8M
LF RDPS/DPS with Heal Offspec

bump. 5/8M starting Dathea prog tonight
Still looking for RDPS with heal offspec

Still looking for RDPS.

Bump, Looking for an offsepc healer, preferably Paladin or Evoker

Bump, Still interested in an offsepc healer, preferably Paladin or Evoker

and a DK