[A/H] Resilient Brotherhood 8/8N 4/8H Late night raiding FRI/SAT 10PM-1AM PST(PACIFIC) LF dps with TANK offspec

Bump bump looking for more raiders!

Looking for mage, dh and evoker specifically! BUMP!

Bump bump still looking for peeps!

Bump still looking for more peopel! Raiders, M+, and casuals!!

Bumping still looking for dps for raid team!

Bumping for more people for our raid team.


Bump bump need Havoc Demon Hunter, Assassination Rogue, Mage, Possible frost DK and Evoker. COME ON DOWN

Bump bump still looking for peeps to fill out our raid roster!

hey there, interested in your late night schedule
609 resto druid

Bumping for more people for our raid team.

Need more dps for our raid team!


Hi, I have a 601 Ret pally and 587 Havoc DK both can tank if needed. The raid schedule is perfect for me.

Hi there,

Go ahead and add the discord or add one of us on bnet. We can chat!

Bump still looking for peeps!

Bump filling up the roster still need more people! Always looking for casuals as well!

Hello 604 Assassination rogue here looking for raid times like your guild has. It would be cool to get some more info about the raid environment and experience if possible. My Btag is Grimreaper91#1649

I added you on bnet

Still looking for more peeps raiders and casuals