[A/H] Recidivus: M+ Community LFM!

Recidivus is LFM for our social community for M+ players of all experience levels.

We have multiple teams for M+ at all levels of play, and want folks who love to teach, and who love to learn and those who love to actively progress in the M+ environment.

Our rules are simple:

  1. No racism/phobics, etc. This is an LGBT+ safe space!
  2. No politics; leave the rants at home.
  3. Positive vibes only, ragers need not apply
  4. No NSFW content.

If you are active between the hours of 5pm and 12am CST, we need YOU!


  • DPS of all specs
  • Active 2.0k+ pushers

As a guild, we’re running M+ every night and several of us already have portals. We’re looking for additional DPS to round out our teams; if you’re tired of pugs and you’ve got the chops, come check us out!

Discord: https://discord.gg/URpVJtv8Qw

Is your schedule 7-11 server time?

Editing that, sorry! It’s actually 7-10pm CST. (server time)

Awesome thanks for the reply.

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Guild’s taking a little break before the next patch, but always happy to help out with keys in the meanwhile. ^^

Still here, still keying.

Hype for new content incoming!

Wherefore art thou DPS?

What DPS do you guys need the most in particular? I am a multi-class player and can play basically anything.

We’ve got a shadow priest, a ret pally, a monk from time to time… and that’s about it. When I say bring whatever you want, I mean it, I swear hahaha