[A/H] Looking for a home

someone I could bother with my lore questions, or that might help me pick an order of simple books to read.

A selfish intro, when I should be buttering you up.

A lock after my own heart, I have compulsions of my own along with our guild.

We are a small… growing group of peculiars. We recruit people - not players, not roles, but people we can trust and grow with. At some point clusters will develop so larger group tasks to be accomplised. I think Kirrin would be floored if we could get a 20 man legacy Molten Core, let alone, 10 for anything. We have, dare I say, almost a regular 5 man capability! It’s so exciting <3

My heart appreciates the complete expression of your needs in your post. I look for these, and I squee in delight at your non-conformist, lack of cookie-cutter outlook.

I’ll refer you below to our recruiting posts with something I learned this weekend. While I advocate for most of us being introverts and our slow grow nature- our multiple communication platforms allow us to grow with comfort with each other. I put my feet into the eyes of a new person coming in, and I choked, at the energy in our guild chat. It’s not always there, but it can be misleading. We’re comfortable with each other- but most of us didn’t start that way. Quiet, observing, watching, until we take that first step of ice to try to trust.

With a grain of salt, we are helpful- and if we can’t “drop what we’re doing on the spot”, give us a little bit of notice for your help needs. We’ll endeavor to get it done.

Good Luck- time is precious.
Apologies for not “switching” to my gnome lock and singing the song of our people. <3

See below to be led further into temptation.
edited for grammar

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