[A/H] <Its Just Pixels> 2 day CE Guild LF Healer for Fated & TWW!

Weds/Mon 7:30-10:30pm server time.

We are an all adult 2 day a week guild formed at the end of Shadowlands from various other guilds and a large core who have played together for many years.
The goal in IJP is to achieve Cutting Edge each tier whilst maintaining a fun and relaxed environment. There is plenty to do outside of raid, with regular key groups running and other games as well. There is no mandatory outside of raid events.
We like to banter and mess around, we don’t take ourselves too seriously but we do expect you to play your best during raid times.


  • We expect our raiders to put in effort to get gear outside of raid. No one needs to grind keys all day, every day but we do expect you to do at least some each week for vault.
  • Know your class and be prepared for new patches when things are changing.
  • Show up to raid 10 minutes early for invites.

All applications are taken on our Discord, but you can also add me for a chat

Priority on Mistweaver Monk or PresVoker

Amy R is a great name

LF a tank!