Still Recruiting, come join
Is it one raid a week? I’d be interested in a second raid night if possible.
1 raid night a week is what the current schedule is yeah.
Still Recruiting. come hang and check us out.
Still looking for people to join us. we don’t bite, well most of us don’t
Still recruiting and looking to fill our Raid team out more.
Ira Deorum, still recruiting, still gaming.
We are still Recruiting and filling our Raid team Come join and hang out.
We are now 7/8. Still looking to fill out our roster!
Still Recruiting, come join and find a home with us currently 7/8 heroic pushing into queen
Still progging queen. Come kill a spider with us
Still recruiting and looking to make our family bigger currently on queen prog
We are still recruiting even after our Heroic Queen Ansurek kill LetsGo! Ira Deorum!
Still doing reclears of Queen, so come reinforce our awesome group of people
Still recruiting all players, everyone is welcome
happy new years everyone. Still recruiting. 8/8H now stepping foot into Mythic pretty soon
Still recruiting come hang and make new friends and family
New year new us… oh wait no… same us still recruiting and having a blast.