[A/H] [Cenarius] Equality Azeroth (LGBTQ+)

Join our team now :slight_smile:

Join us in 10.2 and beyond <3

Still looking for new friends for prog!! <3

Come join us in 10.2! Countless willing to help you progress as well as just an amazing community! <3

There’s no better time to join EA! <3

First raid session TONIGHT! Join us <3

Always looking for new friends!

Join us now! :slight_smile:

Wishing a very happy THIRD birthday to EA <3

Join us for raid night!

Always looking for new friends <3

thiccburrito88 on discord
or mail my toon Thiccburrito-Cenarius
i started play in May 15, 2022
i like to raid/ M+
i play Shadow priest / Holy priest

Hey, thanks for reaching out about EA! Happy to answer any questions you may have!

Heyo, I’d be interested in checking out your guild if you’re still open. I would have to make a new character on Cenarius, but I’d be more than happy too. My current max level player is on Zul’jun and I don’t have the funds to server hop. I’m essentially a new player and would need guidance before I could be super helpful toward the guild when it comes to mythics and such, but I’d be interested in joining if you’ll have me

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Hey, we’d love to have you. Our team is super friendly and would be more than willing to show you the way! :smiley:

For the Alliance!

Join us now for N Fyrakk :slight_smile:

You guys sound fun! Im not looking for a new Raiding Guild but Id love to have people to do m+ with or just talk to!

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Hey, we’d love to have you! Feel free to send me a message if you’d like more info!

kyle_ea (Discord)

Join us for the start of our H ATDH prog!