[A/H] [Cenarius] Equality Azeroth (LGBTQ+)

Raid night!

Hi! LGBTQ+ here LF a new home. I’m interested in RBG’s, raiding, and M+! I’m a flex rdps/healer. Do you guys do any PvP-ing?

Hi Cindeth! Our guild-wide PvP events are usually just fun stuff but we do have a number of members who are involved in Arenas/RBGs/etc! Our raid team could definitely use rdps and we are always running keys! Hope to hear from you!

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate <3

What are your raid days/times?

Monday/Saturday, 8-11pm EST :slight_smile:

Join us <3

For the Alliance! :blue_heart:

Primal Council prog Sat night!!! Join us

Halfway to Raszageth! Join us on Monday for more Vaults progression!

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Hi! Just came back to the game about a month ago to try out the expac and I think it’s sold me enough to play a little further with more reliable people to run M+ with. Healed a lot back in Legion and BfA; did a good handful of M+ and Heroic raiding with Druid and Resto Sham. Back at it again, this time learning Shadow/Holy Priest. Used to raid lead back in FFXIV for a couple tiers, also raided XIV while raiding Heroics in BfA like an idiot. Now I’m just trying to find a pleasant group of people to do some keys with. Willing to transfer over.

Bnet: HeyItsKevin#11593
Discord: Aw Shucks It’s Kevin#4842

Going to send ya a message on Discord :slight_smile:

Raid night!

For the Alliance! Join us for Kurog prog this Saturday!

I saw a tauren slay a dragon the other day - it was legendairy.

Raid tomorrow!

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Join us for raid tonight <3

7/8 N!!! Join our team NOW!

So I was healing on my druid and this worgen just would not get off my case, so I said “Friend, you’re really barking up the wrong tree!” at which point the worgen shouted in surprise “AHH A TALKING TREE!!!” and ran away.

#JoinEAToday #BadJokesAreGoodJokes #EACenarius

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What does our guild need?! YOU!

For the Alliance <3