[A/H] Barthilas <Low APM> 6/9M | Recruiting DPS for S4 | 2 Raid Nights (AoTC/Mythic)

We are looking to recruit to fill out our roster for heroic and mythic progression.
Looking for all classes (except pally) for DPS roles.

Raid Times:
Wednesday/Thursday 7:30pm - 10:30pm Server Time.

Our end goal is to push Mythic as far as we can. We are by no means a CE guild, just a bunch of friends who enjoy raiding together while having a laugh. If this sounds like the guild for you feel free to contact us.

Battle Net: Exsidious#1717
Discord: Avidus

Looking for AOTC / mythic prog

Fury/Arms warrior rio/logs respectively
warcraftlogs(dot)com/character/id/75174520 (Name was flagged)

My M+ character.

my dragon w. legendary.

Had to prepare for an audit at my company, had to stop mid-patch.

bnet: tanmitties#1383
discord: TanMitties#6713

Bump, still looking for dps :slight_smile:

Bump, lfm dps, any class but pref boomy

bump lfm dps

bump lfm dps

bump lfm dps and heals

6/9H Lfm dps :slight_smile:

bump now 8/9H lfm dps :slight_smile:

bump lfm dps

9/9H lfm dps for mythic prog

bump lfm dps

bump lfm dps to start mythic prog

1/9M LFM dps

bump lfm dps for mythic

lfm dps any class for mythic

2/9M now lfm dps mythic

2/9M now lfm dps mythic

Lfm for mythic prog, any class :slight_smile:

Lfm for mythic prog, any class :slight_smile: