[A]<H A V E N> SoD 4/10M 10/10H LFM Late Night TUES+THURS 11PM-2AM PST

give all the DKs

Bump for 9.1!!!

honestly we’re pretty cool

pretty determined group of players i see a lot of potential & dedication toward reaching their goals :ok_hand:

Nothing but good people!

Yuppp bumps all around

Big bump for guild join us join us!

Bump lf more handsome/beautiful individuals

Hi, I am interested in joining and have added everyone to hopefully talk. I am a multi class player just praying to find a home with my new work schedule.

ALways looking for good players! Come add me on disc <3

Just need a couple more to push into Mythic now that we have AOTC. Good group of folks that wanna kill bosses :slight_smile:

We have aotc and we love lamp

Still looking!

3/10M now! Now it’s time to get the real bosses!

I honestly might end up begging y’all for a new home had a blast nothing but good ppls n solid drive and skill we could push to the moon :new_moon_with_face: lol

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4/10M. Come Night owls!

ohhhh we bumpin