<Aggravated> 12/12M Two Day Friday/Sat LF Range Dps

Three days of snow in a row and it isn’t even halloween yet wow

working saturday is never any fun

I hope everyone’s weekend has gone well so far!

Woo Azshara died this weekend! ;D

Still looking for all melee!

Updated recruitment needs. Check out our wowprogress to see what we are looking for :slight_smile:

Well thanksgiving is this week, hard to believe the year flew by so quick lol

Got some really good deals today ;D

Bumping cause great guild name

How about that username though? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Man I’m so happy it is almost the weekend xD

Though sadly I had to work today :frowning:

Good morning!

Got a new purple mattress, I’m excited to see how it is!

And it’s amazing, far better than I expected. The pillows it came with are fantastic too

I am really hoping that they didn’t ruin the final star wars movie in this trilogy. Mandalorian has given me hope, but it will be that much worse if they did mess it up though when I am not already resigned to it lol.

Both the new patch with Nzoth and the new expansion look so good, I wish I could play

Well I am still on the fence about the new star wars though I am a bit more optimistic now that users are giving it good reviews. The critics giving it terrible reviews had me pretty worried.

Well the holidays are here

The Witcher show is really good actually