<Agents of Suramar> Nightborne RP Guild

05/08/2018 12:17 PMPosted by Nariren
Have met a few of Agents on my Blood Elf Nelinar. Cool bunch!

Thank you, Nel! You are such a sweet person. I love RPing with you!
ooooo now this is what i was looking for!!!! i was thinking of race changing my warrior ( realized the orc rp thing isn't really my thing) and love the nightborne. i think i might have to race change this toon tonight and apply. i am off and on most the time with some spurts of emptiness (real life stuff, bluh) but any case ill be on tonight my btag is iravis#11989

p.s: a lot that's on the app i haven't fleshed out yet i.e. backstory, strengths, weakness's, etc. Can an officer from the guild message me on btag. I have the iOS app so i can see it from there. tyvm
We'd love to have you Erraka! We have some pretty cool stuff happening and everyone here is really awesome and fun to hang out with! If someone hasn't messaged you by the time I get home from work, I'll look you up on btag.
So. I have a question. Is this guild Nightborn Only? Or Nightborn Centric? Do you take in non-Nightborn?
We are Nightborne only, I'm afraid, though we do interact a lot with other races and set up public events for everyone. You could make a Nightborne alt! <3
05/11/2018 08:26 PMPosted by Loviattar
We are Nightborne only, I'm afraid, though we do interact a lot with other races and set up public events for everyone. You could make a Nightborne alt! <3

05/11/2018 08:46 PMPosted by Eiswein
05/11/2018 08:26 PMPosted by Loviattar
We are Nightborne only, I'm afraid, though we do interact a lot with other races and set up public events for everyone. You could make a Nightborne alt! <3


I saw you last night at Story Circle so I don't want to hear it.

*sticks tongue out at*
That was not cavorting that was singing the song of My people!
This guild and the people in it make me so happy! I love ya'll, you have no idea!
People should have been there, it was all kinds of stab stab stab, choke choke, murder, stab stabby stab stab!

(or is this just a clever placed bump)
I'm excited for all the new things we will be unveiling soon! Come check it out!
Hello, I am wanting to talk about "WoW" awareness. Are you aware of a game often called "WoW"? (World of Warcraft)

For more information please e-mail me half your gold today.
Hello Agents!

Miss me?

Your time will come.
Posting in what is a legendary thread.
Snitches got stitches...
i have next to no RP experience in wow but i'm looking for a home on this server, would this disqualify me in joining Agents of Suramar?
No it would not, we have all levels of experience in the guild, So you would fit in and progress at your own pace.
Last night asked if someone can place a toon in the guild to level (NB) Yes, you can, you are not forced to RP just because you join. (Its encouraged but you can RP when you want)
Thanks for reading the Eiswein recrutment thread... Umm I mean Bump yeah bump thats what I was meaning,, Ooops
Only in Agents of Suramar will you find ME, Talredan the Amazing! Join now for free autographs from Me.