Afterlives: Maldraxxus

Literally nothing happened in this Afterlives episode. I dont understand why they even bothered making it if they’re not going to tell us anything worthwhile.

“Hi I’m Draka, also here’s a summary of the basic plot of Maldraxxus that you learn within the first 30 seconds of entering the zone”

We learned nothing about Maldraxxus overall. We dont know what this zone is like in its day to day activities. We dont even know who the villains are, or who Draka’s master was. Draka is here, Draka is fighting, stuff is blowing up. Snore.

Afterlives Bastion did as well as it did because it leaned on Wc3 and ICC nostalgia. Afterlives Maldraxxus had…Draka. I still can’t get over how the land of the Scourge 2.0 got anchored to such a bland character. Mograine, Vashj either would have been perfect. Draka? Pretty forgettable.

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I think I agree with this and maybe this is what taints my view of this one.

How bad was that watching Draka call the bags of bones around her brothers. :rofl:

To be fair neither of the cinematics so far spurred my interest in the expansion. I’m 90% certain some story elements are going to be butchered here. It actually feels a lot like Doom Eternal. In that they’re injecting structure possibly where it doesn’t make sense. I’m not fully convinced the structure was needed.

I have so many questions.

If the Shadowlands are the afterlife for Azeroth, how do people die in it? How do they get injured? What happens to them if they die in the afterlife? Is there another afterlife after that? Is it afterlifeception and they go down a level? Why would people be skeletons in the afterlife?

So if Draka is using her afterlife to be Baroness to some claw-chinned dude, what’s Durotan doing? If Orcs do go to the Shadowlands after death, what’s with all the spirits of the ancestors stuff? Can they opt out of Shadowlanding and hang around to give quests and guide future generations instead?

Which Draka is this? WoD or Thralls actual mom?

Thralls actual mom, WoD Draka didn’t die.

Maybe Spoilers? I vaguely remember reading somewhere that because of his brave, noble, and honorable blah blah blah orcie orcness blah blah.. That his soul was spared from the Maw and sent to the home of his ancestors etcetera etcetera.

But I don’t remember where I saw that so huuuge grain of salt.

Is it just me or does the Legion base resemble Tanaan Jungle?

The fact that the Felguard of Nathreza first guarded Tanaan’s invasion plans for invading the Shadowlands(which we ignorantly halted in it’s tracks by killing a Time Traveling Archimonde) before being reassigned to Nathreza where the Illidari killed them deader than dead is hilarious!

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I enjoyed maldraxxus more than bastion because I find Bastion boring as hell xD. I had enough of angel-like being with Legion and the stupid Valkyr and stupid Odyn.

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No, it was discovered that they used the same scene from the Harbingers! Lol!

As always the art is top notch, but DAE feel something is missing with this one?

The Bastion short was like:

This one’s just:

I don’t think Draka was the best choice for either this cinematic or this covenant zone. Not having a shamanistic-themed covenant zone might’ve been a mistake.

I knew someone was going to point this out.

A single shot of that scene is reused, although it’s important to note two things:

  1. That the shot has been altered slightly, so it’s not 100% identical.
  2. That the Legion invaded the Shadowlands once before, so Felguards being present wouldn’t be surprising.
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That’s because this afterlives episode, like the episode of Harbingers: Gul’dan and Warbringers: Sylvanas is going to be used in-game.

You speak to Draka fairly early in the storyline for Maldraxxus and you have to ask her ‘What her story is’ and on the beta, a placeholder black screen appears for a few seconds, then you’re right back next to her and you can progress the story.

What I expect will happen once the expansion goes live, is that when you ask her ‘what her story is’ this afterlives episode will play, showing you her story as described by her.

I’m just curious about the Fel Guards.

The Legion invaded the Shadowlands before, so it’s not surprising to see them there. In fact, you’ll find a pit lord captive in the Maldraxxus arena.