Bepples earlier comment on the evolution of the maiming of my survival hunter is a lot of the problem with this post. No hunter that has actually played through several expansions of the game should reasonably want their hunter BROKEN. that’s what classic hunters are…MANY classes had issues with at least one spec, or another so we are not the only ones, but a return to things like “The dead zone” are NOT good suggestions. Game play was GREAT…but your hunters SUCK.
That’s awesome you feel that way. I played through Wrath, i prefer this way. I like having a dead zone, I like having a lot of moving pieces to manage. It comes down to preference. Your way isn’t wrong, nor is mine. You can say they suck man, but I disagree.
When the OP says “Devs you need to pay attention” you need to understand that your “opinion” may potentially become law…I have seen it happen MANY times.
- clothies don’t like our aimed shot damage…aimed shot gets nerfed
-rogues don’t like our avoidance…our avoidance gets nerfed
BOTH of those changes were made IN CLASSIC, I can go on for some time …but fast forward…
-Lots of classic players…(that haven’t even played through all of classic yet mind you) want to turn hunters back 15 YEARS, WRONG ANSWER. You can’t reasonably expect people who like different game play styles to simply shrug their shoulders anymore…especially not for …….THE WORST HUNTER BUILD IN EXSISTENCE. (Barring the initial focus build hunters from MoP…but I guess that depends on whether you PVP or not)
Oh I definitely see your point. You don’t want what you like about your class to change, and I can respect that. I’ve lived through it, what you have now is what I hate about the class. I watched it happen, it drove me from the game. You don’t want it to happen to you, and that’s fine.
To think that devs can’t learn ANYTHING from the classic hunter though is just bad thinking. There are good and bad things, but to say everything is bad, and devs shouldn’t take note at all, is just wrong.
While we’re throwing out random opinions YOUR HUNTER IS THE WORST ITERATION.
If I recall correctly we didn’t even bother with pets in raids because they got killed instantly by boss aoe and mechanics. The only thing I used my pet for in raids was to pull BG in MC.
After the elemental resistance nerf, courtesy of whiny mages and warlocks…CORRECT, yet another EXELLENT example of the DUMPSTER FIRE someones “opinion” can dump you in. BM was rendered a USELESS raid spec till BC as a result.
The one thing i’ve learned in these forums is there is A LOT of misinformation regarding the classic hunter.
I particularly enjoyed the parts where right after he blasts other people for having “Wrong Opinions” (seriously, wtf) he just completely blows through what is obviously his complete if ignorance of PVP like it barely even exists.
Telling other people they are wrong for not liking what he likes and then doing the same thing himself?
Lol sums it up
Sorry, but no.
aimed shot > multishot
afk because debuff slots
not very hard
classic difficulty is playing with all the rushed clunky mechanics. bfa difficulty is trying not to hate yourself while playing.
i’m having more fun on classic atm than i have since legion came out tbh. probably won’t return to retail until 9.0
There are very few times when that is all you do. That’s just how the game is. It is a more dynamic game, which makes the rotation a lot more dynamic. Autoshot is not a fire and forget thing. It is a fundamental part of your rotation. Getting the timing is NOT trivial. Kiting, which is the most common form of actual play is even more dynamic. You are constantly trying to maximize your autoshot and other shots. You have to choose whether or not to use Serpent Sting. Sometimes its worth it, sometimes its not. Same goes for just about everthing. Choice matters a great deal.
Remember, we are talking about actual gameplay not some patchwerk rotation. Those don’t exist very often. When they do, they are almost a relief, cause you can relax a bit. You still have to maximize your autoshot damage though, and that is never trivial, even if you can learn it sufficiently to be “easy.”
I like aspects to be toggle again And true-shot aura to return. Everything else can stay beside balancing.
Regardless, pressing serpent sting or not pressing anything to conserve mana doesn’t make it more complex.
Look, i get the appeal of classic, but it is 100% not rotation complexity lol, most people agree that classes are way easier, it’s other things like community, the leveling process, and world PVP being a real thing again that bring people in.
Exactly my point. Yes, I use both Explosive Trap and Immolation Trap. I use the former if there’s a mob I want to die quickly (like a pull of two or more) and the latter if there’s a difficult mob I need that extra damage for that will live long enough for the dot to be worth it. Its not common, but its a really nice tool to have at my disposal. It has several times taken me from “I can’t kill this mob” to dead mob.
Actually… We kinda do. I’m not going to get into all the other stuff. I honestly don’t think you remember Vanilla Hunter very well. Your responses are too far from actual gameplay. I suggest you play some Classic Hunter and really give it a try. Maybe then we can have a more meaningful discussion.
Where in what I said did I suggest modern Hunter needed Wing Clip?
Actually, I don’t. I have no problem with Aimed Shot being immobile if the toolkit supports it and it feels worth it. I think its thematically appropriate. I have said that a thousand times. I also think it could be mobile, if that was what was required to make it work.
I’m playing the game again. You obviously are not. You are frankly clueless. Your responses are clueless. That doesn’t mean that you are often factually wrong, but your opinion statements that you try to pass off as facts are so out of touch with reality that no meaningful conversation can be had.
To you. Maybe I even agree a little bit. I also recognize a deeper connection to my pets with the maintenance. I appreciate my mining and engineering skills for the cheaper ammo and more money in my pocket. These things feel good to me. That’s a fact that is undeniable. Downplay it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that a lot of people feel similarly. You should hissy fit about something that is not obviously just a matter of preference in gameplay.
I never said that. I said I wouldn’t raid with one. I very likely won’t. I always said I would have one, and I do, and its fun. Not a single thing in my responses is an attempt to diminish or forgive the end game flaws with the class. Don’t pretend I am saying something I am not.
No one is raiding. Even when people start raiding, no one will be raiding for most of their gameplay. That’s not what Classic is. That’s what BfA is. Their day to day goals make them completely different games.
I’m afraid there’s a bit of a disconnect here. I don’t find pressing 4 or 5 or 10 buttons in a rotation “complex.” That’s not complexity if they are always the same. The complexity in Classic comes from the fact that they are not always the same. Maximizing your effectiveness requires choosing the right situational ability at the right time. BfA has very little choice in gameplay for most of the specs. Classic on the other hand has choices galore, and the penalty for the wrong choice is often death.
Its also important to remember that no one is really talking about raiding on some boss mob. That just doesn’t take up much time in a person’s weekly gameplay. Thinking in those terms is only appropriate (if it is ever appropriate) in the modern game. It doesn’t really apply to Classic in any meaningful way.
I don’t know that anyone is suggesting that the Classic Hunter is the end all, be all of Hunter existence. I don’t think there is anyone who thinks its even close to the best version of Hunter. I do think that people appreciate some of the things that were way better then, both about Hunter, and the game in general. That is what is being discussed. Don’t extend that into meaning something that it doesn’t mean. That only gets you, and those trying to have a different conversation confused and upset.
Youre missing half your rotation. There are classes that have boring rotations, hunter isnt one of them.
Oh, I am not confused, and yes I did get upset.
This is NOT ambiguous in any way and is very crippling to PVP hunters…We campaigned for YEARS to have that feature removed, I will not tolerate it’s return without a fight.
I have only ever done a single raid finder in BFA, and that was just to advance my storyline quest. In contrast I have done EVERYTHING in “Classic”
The point I have been trying to make over and over is that what’s REALLY impactful about Vanilla thru Lich King is the GAMEPLAY.
BFA raids are BORING. Until you start doing M+, dungeons are BORING………leveling in BFA is BORING…but that has little to do with the hunter class at all…….other than your struggle to get your abilities to actually work that is…
It has more to do with the fact that you have to pull carefully, you have to manage aggro, you have to be using the right pet(or mobs will kill it…and maybe you too in the deal) You have to plan pulls while in a dungeon, because hey…your tank DOESN’T have insta-perma-aggro and actually CAN’T take on the entire planet of Azeroth at once…Your healers CAN run out of mana BEFORE next Christmas…and hey, they and you as DPS CAN pull aggro off of that tank if you are too active in the fight and NOT using aggro reducers.
Thats your view point. I campaigned against changes. What you think are crippling features, i view as skill caps. If youre a hunter that cant manage your dead zone and i can. Im going to get picked over you for pvp premades in our guild. Having mechanics that separate people from one another are good, IN MY OPINION.
You are either better, or worse than me at PVP RIGHT NOW…What you are REALLY doing with you “skill cap” is getting that hunter slot on the PVP team assigned to a Mage, or Warlock, who’s CC ALWAYS reliably works in PVP AND don’t have a range at which there abilities simply DON"T FUNCTION inside a 20 yard radius.