Affliction PvP

I think it’s finally in a good position.

Would like to see a better 4pc tier set bonus, but the spec is really good for PvP now.

It took a long time through this season to get it to this point, would have been nice to have this at the start of the season. Hopefully they don’t screw it up for next season.

the game is already over, they ruined the affliction experience, at least to me.


aff is in a pretty bad place unfortunately

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What makes it bad? You have more experience with the spec than i do, but i jave been spamming it in solo shuffle and i feel like i do quite well. Is it just the nature of that gameplay mode being more chaotic and less coordinated than 3v3? I definitely do not get trained as hard or as consistently as i did when i was playing 3v3, and i feel like once i press soul rot its gg.

Interested in your thoughts, since i think you have been aff this whole xpac.

It’s the nature of the current meta + the removal of demon armor

Because we are a one spellschool caster teams are rewarded for training us the whole game and using every kick into our shadow spellschool

On top of that if melee cleaves connect you wind up mana bar-ing your own healer faster than you can oom theirs

Regarding soulrot because stuff like reverse, fade dispel, craven, revival etc. exist you lose out on a lot of value

There are some games where I land triple soulrot on my 2nd darksoul and the entire enemy team evaporates but aff doesn’t have a surefire means of punishing teams

You need to force multiple mistakes over the course of the game to be effective and there’s a good chance that you won’t live long enough

I’m pretty happy that I completed glad as aff only, but not once did I think my team countered or had the advantage over the other in the starting gates, the only spec I had an insane win rate into is other aff locks

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Interesting, the part about getting trained all game makes sense. We need a way to punish or deal with that, hopefully shadowflame returning in DF will help with that.

You have to trade your CDs with their connects and keep Exhaustion on the melee when you are being trained by them.
Can’t face tank them, well you can for a little while but it will strain your healer, or your mana pools from using drain life, and hurt your dps by losing the Drain life stacks.

They need to revert aff back to something better like in legion. I hate this malefic wrath play style aff has become.

At most MR should just be a filler when nothing else needs to be cast, not your main nuke button.


A lot of melee rn are unkiteable

Fury, outlaw, dh

You basically have to kite their partner but it’s just not enjoyable

It’s funny, I loved malefic grasp in Legion, but malefic rapture is just not doing it. It’s odd, because the concept is pretty much the same.