Aff lock 6/10M LF CE Guild

Guild just disbanded.

Experience to Council phase 3 36%.

225 ilvl, 1.5k IO.

Looking for guild that is at least 7/10 - since many guilds fall apart at the 6/10 mark.

Feel free to check my logs.

Please reach out if interested.

Hello bud!

I’ll keep it short and simple. Meme Regime is a guild on Mal’Ganis (Horde). We are very CE focused and are looking for like minded raiders to join our roster. We are 6/10M and pushing. We raid Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9PM EST to 12AM EST. We are very interested in talking to you. We want another mage! Please add my BTAG and let’s discuss Gooeytiddy#1804

Hope yo hear from you soon!

Hi there

< Soup or Guild > is a newly established Horde on Area-52 recruiting for Mythic level content.

We are currently 6/10M, our goal is to clear as much content as possible this tier, and maintain Cutting Edge going forward. Guild leadership and many of our raid team have a strong history of achieving Cutting Edge and similar progress on end game bosses from vanilla through BFA.

We raid strictly 6-hours a week each Tuesday and Thursday from 9pm-12am server time (EST). Given our aspirations and light schedule, we are seeking raiders who understand the importance of attendance and preparation.

While we will gladly speak to all exceptional applicants regardless of need, we are currently focusing recruitment on the following classes:
Melee DPS: 1 Death Knight
Ranged DPS: 1 Boomkin, 1 Hunter, 1 Mage
Healer: 1 Disc Priest
Tank: n/a

Most of our raiders run multiple keys on mains and alts, so you will likely find other players willing to do Mythic Plus content of varying difficulty throughout the week. We also sometimes do Rated Battlegrounds on Friday evenings and are seeking more players interested in PVP content.

If you’re interested in joining us or learning more, feel free to reply here or contact us:
Liger#11271 on Bnet
Liger#5309 on Discord
zak#4618 on Discord

Heir on Area 52 has immediate openings for Denathrius prog… Not on the bench till rekills :wink:

Main Raid: Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm-12am EST
Optional/Sales: Sunday 9pm EST

Castle Nathria is our first tier as a guild.
Heir is led by accomplished CE raiders with vast leadership experience in WoW.
We are looking to form a group of friends who enjoy progressing at a competitive rate, but outside of raid know how to take (and tell) a joke. We want players who are active and enjoy playing outside of raid. Leadership strives to form strong relationships with each of our guild members to ensure that each person feels welcome and an integral part of the team/family.

Our goal is to create a stable community able to provide consistent CEs in a timely manner for all of our raiders. We strive to form a long term family rather than a short term grab and go. With that goal in mind, it is important that all of our members remain motivated and willing to work together as the expansion moves forward.
As the guild’s leaders, we hope to acknowledge and resolve any concerns in a timely manner in order to prevent hindering progression (i.e. roster issues, complacency, drama, etc). We are welcoming to concerns guildies may have, and are willing to talk openly to reach a resolution. Our main goal is to progress, but maintaining good relationships with our raiders is our highest priority.
Our long term goal is to become a top 100 US guild within a few raid tiers.


  • cjsu#1139 (Btag), nemofex#2794 (Discord) — GM
  • Pirouette#11682 (Btag), Tiddbit#3142 (Discord) — GM/Healing Officer

Hello, we’re working on Council progression next week. We do Tues/Thurs 6pm-9pm EST. Add my discord for more: Miranda#0043

Good morning Mikey, I posted on your post in the Guild Recruitment page, but we are on Area 52 as well. Would love to have a chat.