Advice to aspiring druids and rogues

Attempting to slay a warrior, who’s at full rage, who’s holding two swords, who’s fighting a critter… it’s not likely to pan out very well for you.

I hope the two that committed the attempted murder earlier today in Feralas learned a valuable lesson.

Well…this seemed unnecessary


That is exactly what went through my mind as they tried to backstab me!

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I mean, it should have panned out for them if they were in any way intelligent and capable.

Sounds like they were just really bad instead lol. Being unable to 2v1 a dualwield fury warr as rogues is just… sad.


:crossed_swords: I’m not even fury. :crossed_swords:

Oh I didn’t know dualwield arms was a thing.

Well, I have a few points in fury, but mainly arms. I have been hen pecking, playing around with talents as I level, with the intent to have a typical respec come L60. Mainly arms. I cannot dump my rage fast enough.

This is the type of dude who wishes he had an @post to him so badly.

Gif me tenshin pls!!!


Frankly my advice to aspiring druids, rogues, shadow priests–hell anyone–is attempt to slay this warrior often. You might just get an @ post and be e-famous.


Yeah I suck at fighting warriors and that’s exactly why I attack them. Gotta learn somehow and death is hardly a spooky deterrent in this game.

Just need to be swapping your defensive cool downs when they pop theirs. Hemo/CB rogues should have a much easier time. With all the passive armor ignore and then expose armor that is also a plus.

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…like, why didn’t the druid root you?

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Would DoTs pop it?

Insect swarm doesn’t.

Moonfire has a chance when the DD portion hits, but I’ve seen several rogues and warriors die in roots as dots eat away at them.

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a feral druid who isn’t brain dead would have eaten you alive, even without the rogue.

Ya. As a feral druid (hotw/ns) a solo warrior is almost always a free hk.

Root break, stunned out of bear, and just generally being in range of 2-3 massive warrior hits can cause a loss, however.