Advice for returning player

I stopped playing shortly after Zereth Morris release but have returned because of cross faction pve. I’m a casual player and just want the best path for obtaining gear and flying in Zereth Morris. Where do I start?

If you haven’t finished the Zereth Mortis campaign, start there.
Flying requires you to complete the story line and a few side quests (so pick up regular quests as you go through it as well), complete 10 rare encounters, (kill rares as you are questing) explore all of zereth mortis, (should be done after questing) and collect 10 treasures. (should be done after questing)

I forgot about one more thing, part of the achievement is for specific treasures, look up “Tales of the Exiles” guide on youtube or wowhead.

If there’s anything you’re missing after the quests, work on that to finish up the flying achievement requirements.

You’ll get a lot of 233 gear from the quests, and you can buy 226 gear from a vendor in Zereth Mortis for 500 anima each. At that point you can queue for LFR or do some mythic 0 dungeons if you’d like.


Thank you so much for all the information!

Thank you for the tips much appreciated