Advice for Quitting Smoking as a gamer

It isn’t “healthier.” And I’m glad to know you didn’t read everything. :woman_facepalming:t4:

It’s absolutely not a step in the right direction either. It doesn’t break the habit.

Get asthma. That worked for me. :slight_smile:

There’s not an easy answer. Addiction is different for different people, which is why there’s not a sure fire way to quit. Easiest way to quit is to not buy them.

Pay at the pump so you don’t go into the store.
Don’t go through the line at the grocery store that sells cigs.
Just avoid it completely.

You know you’ll suffer and the cravings will be bad, but it’s not going to be easy period. Also don’t give up on yourself if you give in. You bum a cig off someone at work and think “ugh I fell off, may as well buy a pack.” No. It’s fine to trip up, just don’t stay down there. One cig won’t give you lung cancer.

Also, coming from someone who was raised by smokers and works with some… you smell bad. You may not think you do, but you do. Let the social aspect be an inspiration to you.

Smokers stink.

Quitting is easier when you’re not stressed out by life at the same time. It will help to resolve or at least improve some of those other situations.

man, don’t quit. evil will prevail when everyone is the same and there is so few of us left. Go smoke outside, smoking inside is a no-no.

I’m interested in following this, it’d be cool if we could build a community for people who play wow and want to quit smoking. I find it very ingrained in me after a sweaty dungeon, arena, raid, or even a whole level in classic SoM which I frequently find myself playing now to go outside and light up… I really want to quit. I think I’ve been unconsciously cutting down, trying to go by the hour. I think my keys to success will be:

  1. getting time between cigarettes greater and greater.
  2. patches and gum (I get them free for 3 months every year and have stockpiled 2 free months so far, and 3rd is going to be called in really soon) when I have no interest in going to the store// get grossed out.
  3. joining a community forum page or reddit to discuss bad triggers.

Go look for pictures of people suffering from lung cancer or worse. If that doesnt make ya wanna quit then nothing will