Advice for Quitting Smoking as a gamer

That’s not the same as vaping , right? It has to have actual nicotine to help reduce Cravings from what I understood

Vaping is the same terminology as e-cigs

What I do when I need to quit for a while is break the habit first. Don’t do it when you normally would during those habit forming moments, but then allow yourself one at an arbitrary time. Once you break the habit, it’s much easier to quit. If you never want to do it again, don’t pick em back up.

I smoke erratically. I’ll be done for months to years at a time, and then I’ll enjoy them for a while. Then I’ll quit again. I enjoy smoking, but not all the bad stuff that goes with it, so I moderate it.

100% this. You will feel “incomplete” at moments, like you haven’t done something important. You’ll feel anxious, and it’s all you can think about during your downtime. Filling that time feels weird at first. It’s definitely about rewiring your habits and it was difficult for me.

I was an extremely irritable person for weeks, but I kept reminding myself the reason I was irritable was because of what the cigs had done to me. Redirect that anger toward the cigs, use it to remind yourself how much they’re messing with your head.

This will sound dumb, but pretending to smoke did help me sometimes. Almost like a breathing exercise; pretend you’re taking a drag but with only air.

After a week or two the cravings will subside, but you’ll still have triggers. Like drinking a beer with buddies, or worse, being around other smokers.

You’ll slip up… a lot… (I did) but screwing up doesn’t mean giving up. Good luck.


I had gone to vaping for a bit but really what stopped me for the last 4 years now is I developed asthma.
All I can say is stop…get a craving do something to distract from it. Cravings only last a few min.

You done it once you can do it again! Its all a willpower game fighting your own mind and not giving into something harmful. They also if you need nicotine have tobacco free nicotine pouches like dip pouches.

Still probly better then smoke inhalation.

Stop buying cigarettes and tobacco products. Then you won’t have them to smoke!

I never started since I’m unable to inhale correctly; I guess that was a blessing. So they never did anything for me when friends would smoke.

I’d not try vaping, since then you are doing the same thing but vaping instead. I’d try nicotine gum/whatever, then taper off that.

Smoking is inconvenient with you having to go outside to smoke at work. You probably also have to at home or your home would get horrible from the cigarettes. So I’d use that to help quit.

I quit cold turkey a couple years back, but it was sort of rough. Even today I still have a desire to smoke when I get stressed out or I am around others who are smoking. I had a RL friend that tried again and again but always failed. He finally gave the “patch” a try and he was able to slowly ween himself off of smoking.

Iv quit smoking many times, and it all comes down to how bad do you wanna quit smoking… If your thinking about quitting and not really truly have the commitment your not gonna quit… theres really no replacement for smoking since you do it all day long , patches and gum dont really work since they give you only half the nicotine in 12 hours you smoke

Quit when you are ready and it usually takes a few tries

I’ve never smoked myself, but my parents did, and something that stuck with me was how much the resulting tar gunked up everything.

Thinking about that, I can’t imagine ever smoking anywhere near my gaming PC. That tar and smoke coats components, eventually getting to the point that it can gunk up fans, impede cooling, and shorten the PC’s lifespan considerably.

So I guess I would remind myself how much damage I’m doing to my PC by smoking near it. Replacing computer components can be rather exorbitant these days, which would make me think twice about smoking.

The GM of my guild from a few years ago would smoke at her PC. Ash built up in the case.

Morrocain, you’ve done the hard part which is figuring out the triggers that cause you to want to smoke. As you said, you’ve formed a habit to smoke after every dungeon, battleground and other game related things that are similar.

The only way to beat it is to break the habit - you know you are going to want to smoke so you basically have to be strong and tell yourself not to smoke during the activities. It takes a week to form a habit and approx 28 days to break a habit and for you, it’s breaking the habit of smoking during those times.

For me it was smoking during drinking coffee, after a workout, driving and I also had a timer of smoking every ~30 mins while gaming. It’s just a matter of knowing the triggers and forcing yourself not to do it. It sucks, it’s hard, but you can do it if you really want to.

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so I quit smoking about 12-13 years ago, a few years after I started playing wow. I quit cold turkey when on a family vacation, and actually it was easy that first week - because we were so busy all the time, but once I got home and got back into my routines…it was really hard. I used the gum and then weaned myself off of that.

had a few backslides. so don’t beat yourself up too much if that happens.

one of the biggest things that helped me was deep cleaning my computer room to get the smell out, and get all traces of smoking behavior (ashtrays, lighters, etc) gone. I also tried having suckers around to give me something to do with my mouth when the urge to smoke hit, and when I felt like I just HAD to have a cigarette… I’d go do something completely different.

but really, the gum was just super helpful to me.

good luck! it is not easy but it is absolutely worth it.


I smoked for 47 years & I smoked 4 packs a day & I quit cold turkey 4 years ago,the 1st 7 days are hard but after that,it’s better.

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I was a smoker for 30 years, then finally quit after trying many times. Keep in mind, everyone is different but this was my path…

I went to free “stop smoking” classes taught at the hospital by the American Lung Association, they really helped me to modify my behavior. You can look for classes at hospitals in your area, it might help and you’ll probably meet some good people. One thing I learned that might help in your case is to smoke outside. That way you’ll need to get up from your desk and go outside to smoke. Its a deterrent that might help you slow down your usage.

I also tried the gum and the patch to no avail - I still smoked.

Then one day a nurse practitioner took me by the shoulders, looked me in the eye and said “you MUST stop smoking!”. She offered a prescription for the drug Chantix. You can take the drug and still smoke. I took it and what happened was about 3 weeks into taking the drug I totally lost all desire and cravings for cigarettes - its was like POOF! and the cravings totally gone. That was 16 years ago.

I wish you all the best at kicking the habit.


Yeah for sure the habitual triggers are the worst part. Driving for me is another one since I have 1 hour commute to and from work and I’d just light up when I’m bored in traffic. I do really want to quit, and I need to quit for various other reasons. I just wish it was easier.

Fortunately I don’t smoke inside, but I guess my room could use a deep clean and organising. Maybe I’ll try and make that my new habit while I’m quitting, do a little bit of summer cleaning in between dungeons etc.

I had tried Champix (the Aussie brand name of Chantix) many years ago for my previous quit before I went cold turkey and that stuff made me incredibly manic and I felt like I was going to have a psychotic break lol. I know it does work for some people, and I’m glad it worked for you <3

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i quit smoking. i can tell you that the desire to walk to the smoking area and just sit there does not go away ever, but after a few months you don’t feel stupid sitting there without a cigarette in your hand.

for me, after about 5 days i didnt feel I physically must have one - but continued to want one for about 2 months.

Good news is a few weeks into not smoking, if you do attempt to take a hit, it will taste absolutely disgusting. you will have to force yourself back into the habit. bad news is, only a few cigarettes will get you past this.

it’s doable but you cant half-rear it. start AFTER you put gas so you are not stopping at a gas station while in your first 4-5 days. it might be hard not to buy a pack if you dont.

it gets easy-ish after first 4 days. mentally it stays hard but physically it gets easy. it’s no harder than other hard things you do in life. you can do it.

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Thanks buddy <3

I remember how bad the smokes taste when you first pick one up after weeks/months/years of not smoking, it kind of sucks that after a few days you get used to it again and basically hardly taste or smell how bad it is.

It’s really damn hard. But you guys have helped a lot with tips and motivation to give it up.

Also don’t even get me started on how ridiculous it is paying $33 AUD for just a pack of 20.

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Hypnotism CD.

I went first to patches first, and now I chew (nicotine) gum 4-8/day. When I feel like a smoke I do some exercise, just to remind me why its bad.

Omg, this is so terrible, it makes me so sad, to know such people exist. If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to reach out to me. :white_heart:

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