<Adversary> [H] 5/10M ~ AOTC (W/TH 8pm-11pm EST)

Council is sub 10%!! We are now recruiting for Sludgefist prog!

Council down and now we’re on to sludge. Still looking!

LF 1 RDPS for Sludge prog on Wed!

Currently recruiting all dps and healers for 9.1

Hey, not sure if you’re needing/wanting a tank at all but I’m looking for a CE minded guild. I sent you an add on disc so we can maybe talk about it.

Still looking for new raiders!

Bumping up top

Bump!! We are now 3/10 MYTHIC!

Currently recruiting:
WW or MW Monk
Any exceptional DPS

Ex-old school raider that has been looking to get back into raiding at high levels. My kids are now older and I’m looking for a semi-hardcore mythic raid team. I will be willing to put in maximum effort on raid nights during raid times. I do not have a problem being fully prepared. I will be fully enchanted, gemmed, food buff, flask, rune, etc. I’m not looking for guild repairs or handouts. I’m not looking to make weekly donations toward a guild either. I want to be on a team that wants to kill bosses and get loot. Drama and being social doesn’t interest me.

I have done plenty of content since Onyxia’s Lair (40 man). I will add links to all my relevant toons and add context below them, as to what role i have played.

I have a 229 MM Hunter and a 213 Boomkin/Guardian Druid.

I enjoyed my last guild, but there raid times were too late for me, and it started to effect my job, and I quit the game for about 6 months. Not trying to hide anything about what happened there.

Ranged DPS MM Hunter

0/10 SoD

4/10 M CN (8th raid week)
10/10 H CN (6th raid week)
10/10 N CN (2nd raid week)

Ranged DPS BM Hunter
3/12 M Ny’alotha
10/12 H Ny’alotha
5/12 M Antorous

Ranged DPS MM Hunter
Ahead of the Curve: The Black Gate
Time is a Flat Circle
13/13 H Hellfire Citadel
6/6 H Blackwing Descent
6/7 N Firelands

Vengeance Demon Hunter
Highest IO: 1080
Ahead of the Curve: N’Zoth the Corruptor
12/12 H Ny’alotha

Havoc Demon Hunter
Highest IO: 2594
Ahead of the Curve: N’Zoth the Corruptor
Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker
Ahead of the Curve: Xavius
3/12 M Ny’alotha
12/12 H Ny’alotha
6/9 H Battle of Dazar’alor
5/11 M Antorus, the Burning Throne
11/11 H Antorus, the Burning Throne
7/7 H Emerald Nightmare

Outlaw Rogue
Highest IO: 1650

Demo Lock

Most of Normal Cataclysm
2/7 H Firelands

Protection Warrior
5/12 H Ny’alotha
All Normal’s in Cataclysm
Most normals and some heroics in Wrath of the Lich King
1900 Rating in RBG’s

Elemental Shaman
Ahead of the Curve: Imperator’s Fall
7/7 N Emerald Nightmare
1/7 M Highmaul
7/7 H Highmaul
14/14 Siege of Orgrimmar
8/12 H Icecrown Citadel
Restoration Shaman
12/14 Ulduar
1/1 Eye of Eternity
1/1 Obsidian Sanctum (Sarth 3D, server 2nd)

Guardian Druid
Cutting Edge: Xavius
7/7 M&H The Emerald Nightmare
2/3 H Trial of Valor
9/10 H Nighthold

Brewmaster Monk
I/O 619.3
3/12 H Ny’alotha

Fire Mage that no longer exists

Fire & Frost Mage
2/6 Serpentshrine Cavern
1/1 Magtheridon’s Lair
2/2 Gruul’s Lair (Mage Tank)
10/10 Karazhan
1/1 Onyxia’s Lair (40 Man)

BTag: farrdaddy#1540


Bumping up to the top

Bumping to the top

We are currently recruiting 2 x healers and any DPS with a high level of mechanical competency!

Still recruiting any and all exceptional DPS and healers

I’ve been a hpaly main since MoP and am looking for a determined yet fun guild to push CE with. I’m a reliable, determined, and well rounded player that can adapt to any healing comp. I am currently Kyrian, but plan on going Venthyr for raid when 9.1.5 releases.

I’ve gotten AOTC every tier since SoO. Here is my Mythic raiding experience:
WoD: HFC 8/13M;
Legion: NH 5/10M,TOS 5/9M, Ant 7/11M;
BFA: Uldir 5/8M, BoD 7/9M (with prog on Jaina, but missed kill due to family emergency), EP 3/8M.
Took break from wow until Shadowlands, but still managed AOTC in Ny’alotha.
SL: CN 9/10M, SoD 5/10M.

Dependable; I’ve only missed 2 raid nights since SL released due to me moving from TX to SC. Adaptable; willing to move my healing cds in any way to benefit the raid. Overall great personality; never offended and very easy to get along with.

Discord: Didymus#7016
Bnet: Didymus#1633

Soulrender is dead! We are currently recruiting a tank, healers and dps!

Painsmith time!