Adventure group

Hello all, I have several characters on BB and I am in a couple of guilds I am enjoying a lot. One thing I miss is a steady companion or a group or adventurers who level and role play together.

I see a lot of people are so busy leveling that they do not seem to do much in the way of casual rp. I know there have been a few events and I seem to miss most of them due to time.

I am on the West coast and retired, so I am up and in game from about 1 pm Pacific time or 4 server time until sometimes 4 am my time!

I would love to have a group of friends to level with. A dungeon ready group would be great but not necessary. What I am primarily interested in is the rp.

Post here with interest or email me in game. If you would like to join me.


Have you also posted on Discord? I know there is RP grouping discussion there. Bloodsail Buccaneers Server Discord - #82 by Vendetta-bloodsail-buccaneers

Yes, I have posted there and I found a nice guild for my main, but they do not do much rp at all.

I have even posted in answer to a few others and they have yet to respond. I am just sad that so many are focused on leveling that they are not actually rping.

MC is the only raid we’re getting this year. Give it a few months and there won’t be anything to do but RP.

This is why I have posted a request. I would like to find other like minded people. Yes, enjoy the slower pace and take your time learning a class. Maybe its the first time you have tried this class and are unsure. Maybe its the fantasy that draws you. Maybe its the fact it is hard to do some of these quests alone. You need a friend or two.

Think of it as a D&D adventure, you are here in Azeroth. You are one among many, and seeking companions along the way. A journey of discovery and immersion into this world. There are puzzles to solve and work to be done.

What role you choose is up to you. How you develop your character is in your mind, and the execution is yours as well. What kind of story plays in your mind? Are you a Defias sympathizer or a strict law abiding citizen?

Are you a paladin who was part of the Silver Hand? Maybe a warrior who fights for a just cause and enjoys protecting his companions. Or a priest that has dedicated their life to helping defend the innocent?

Perhaps you are a Sentinel, charged with protecting Azeroth. Your many duties include aiding the Alliance, but you are worried about the evidence of demons and the erosion of resources in your beloved forests. You can be a priestess of Elune, daring to show your dark side, true to your heritage.

It’s not hard to get immersed in this world. I love rp and the companionship of others who are just as dedicated to the rp and the immersion as I am. Don’t be shy!


This sounds awesome and something I’ve been looking for myself. I’m a night owl between work and family. I game late, normally not getting on until around midnight sever time (10pm mst). I started my roleplay as a table top rper and would live to have some of that group dynamic. I was never able to experience Vanilla but enjoy the slower more rpg aspects.

I have three characters as i havent settlled on a main, Madelief, a painfully brillant mage (secretly turned to fel magic ina miguides attempt to save her home), Liadine, an innocent and somewhat sheltered priestess of Elune, and Hieldrun a fearless dwarf explorer (hunter) looking for the next big discovry. If any of these characters sound like they might make a good traveling/adventuring buddy let me know!

I would love love love to be part of a dungeon RP group!

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Excellent!! I would love all of you to join me!

Allow me to give you some idea of this character.

Jordon Tucker, a serious minded agent of S:I7 who is looking for the main cause of the Defias problems. He is generally jovial and friendly, with a penchant for solving complex puzzles and perfecting his pickpocket and lockpicking skills.

He is easy to get along with, as long as you are not outright evil. He abhors rude people, those who think they are better than anyone else, and anyone who would harm innocents.

Basically a lawful neutral, he will tolerate warlocks, and paladins alike, as long as they don’t try to control him. He has a few missions to do for S:I7, but for the most part is open to help those who ask.

(OOC) Still in Elwyn Forest, but willing to travel to other areas to meet up. Add me in game and say hi!

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If anyone is interested in this concept, please send me an in game mail. Let me know when you are usually playing, and what time zone you are in.

This can be the rp you are looking for. Don’t wait until you are max level and bored, come and rp!

This kind of thing thoroughly interests me, if you ever see me out in the world questing, odds are good that I’d enjoy to have a little RP while we knock out things to our mutual benefit! The times I’ve been able to do this thus far on this server have all been fantastic, I look forward to more.

I am still looking for a group to rp with in game. I am even open to forming a small guild. I was thinking of a mercenary group of misfits. Those with backgrounds they do not like to talk about. Maybe they made some bad mistakes and are looking to make amends by whatever means.

So you lost your way when you decided to go down that dark path. You left friends behind and now they do not remember you anymore. You need to survive, but its not easy to do alone.

You think you are ready to face those murlocs, but you are allergic to fish, and you cannot stop sneezing! Why are they always chasing you?

Yes you are a priest/priestess, but the darkness calls to you. You can still heal wounds, but you like to cause pain as well.

There is a little bit of the devil in you, even though you look like an angel. That demon is certainly devoted to you, even if he complains a lot.

You can come up with your own version of a misfit, I do not mind sub optimal builds or a different way of thinking. Mary Sue/Gary Stu, maybe not so much. I prefer characters who are unique and intriguing.

I play both genders, so do not be surprised if some of my alts are female as well. I might even have a few confused characters who are not sure what they are. But if you can respect my right to play my characters how I see them, then I am open to your ideas.

How many of you are really longing for some rp, not just trivial bar cruising and drunken brawls. (Though they can be fun sometimes!)

Is there anyone out there who wants to do some indepth character development and a nice long convoluted story that plays out over time?

Actually, this is the kind of thing I"m looking for. Some kind of steady leveling/RP partner or even group so we can also do dungeons with easily. My problem is I work an odd shift and can only be on either late night or monday/tuesdays. If interested at all, send me a tell or in game mail to this character. Maybe we can work something out.

If you are on late at night, you will be right at home with my characters. Let’s see if we can gather a few more so we can make a little guild.

I will add you in game Zalena. Add Jordon and we can talk!

I added you, I’ll be around on and off today as I have this rare saturday off. Hope to hear from you soon