Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

So, are you saying you’ve never helped a low level character run through a dungeon?

You’re missing the point, and people on these forums assume because someone quotes them they’re attacking them.

The point is Blizz is making these changes, while at the same time doing even worse themselves. Which goes to show as long as they can monetize something, their so-called ‘spirit of Classic’ nonsense is meaningless. This hypocrisy exists in many other areas of Wrath where they abandon their supposed pillars when it’s financially advantageous to do so.


I’ve helped plenty of people do their dungeon quests. I’ve even ran random people in stockades for free whenever I was going for a ghetto hearthstone on my paladin. Still in favor of reducing XP gained from a 70 killing gray mobs.

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So you KNOW that it’s not about boosting for gold, then. It’s sometimes about HELPING others. Which is what a community does.

So because of the paid boost, nothing else should get changed for the better because it’s hypocrisy?

It does effect me though, you can be snippy if you want to be I guess.

so you dislike when the community helps out the community?

Is it changed for the better? In beta there’s a plethora of classes that are now solo farming instances. Blizz nerfing one class doesn’t solve anything. Which is why I said from the beginning the actual solution is to hire some GMs and police the game. But Blizz isn’t willing to do that.

The bots always find a way. And they will again.

If it’s all about helping people, than why are you not asking Blizzard for the ability to trade your badge of justice and honor or arena points to other players? That would be helping them too. Or how about the ability to give your raid gear that drop from raid to people outside your raid?

Sometimes, it’s more healthy for gameplay to not have the bandwidth to do things that goes against the spirit of the game, which is the journey, not skipping through it.
If the issue is the time investment for leveling a character being too long, that is something worth talking about, but boosting has been a stain on WoW, especially in these modern days, and it should be seen as a net positive to remove it.

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there was people running low toon though dungeons on Westfall (and from what I under stand for free) while I was still bothering to play, There was consistently not enough horde to get a full dungeon group together was the only way they could get to go though a dungeon. (and Blizz does not seem to be doing much to fix the faction balance server issues, short of offering to sell people transfers.)

The spirit of the game is accomplishing things TOGETHER. Hence why Blizzard has quoted the community being a major reason behind this.

Hey, if they’d do that, sure. I’d be all for that.

Exploits are exploits.

You can rationalize poor behavior all you want. Doesn’t make it right.

That is a whole issue on its own.
There isn’t enough players to play with at low level.
It’s the same reason why I’m in favor of LFD and cross realm for lower level dungeons.

Then you and I will have to agree to disagree, because we’ll never see the game in the same way if you’re in favor of that.

Clearly, because I enjoy helping people and you are the single worst representative for the player base I think I’ve ever seen.

They seem to be ignoring a lot of issues it seems, and even trying to break the workarounds the communities have come up with. (I can understand wanting to stop the boosting spam but seem they are taking the laziest way out).

*to be fair you could go for over a hour on Horde Westfall and never see any chat in any of the world channels so not sure how bad it is on other servers.

Helping players is fine but boosting became the expectation/meta and isn’t the most fun the gameplay can be.

Encouraging players to help other players should always be secondary to the quality of the gameplay. It is a video game after all.

Must be lonely on your mountain top.

Hell is paved with good intentions.

Also very selfish of yourself to consider your opinion as the opinion of the entirety of the player base.

So… the community should be secondary to gameplay quality?

Where did I speak for anyone else?