Adjusting Tank Brann - March 11

11s in 620ish gear last week were already slow and tedious. The changes basically just raised the gear requirement necessary to do it at all + made it even slower and more tedious. Nothing changed mechanically, they just moved the numbers to make it slower and require more gear.

I also did 4 8 delves last week on a 606 ilvl VDH with a DPS Brann. I’ll probably end up having to go back to doing them as Guardian on my druid since they’re allowed to do delves easily and healers are not.


How about changing it so he doesn’t stand in everything and tank while standing in everything so those of us who are melee can actually do something besides stand there frustrated as hell.


lol ok. Some mad people calling me a troll doesn’t magically make me a troll.

Yet if I was a troll wouldn’t I be doing a good job as I have had multiple people raging?

At least be consistent rofl

This legitimately feels like a bait-and-switch.

Talk about a total motivation-killer…yeah, let’s just make delves take 5x longer and have Brann get smoked by one-shot mechanics he refuses to avoid.

I legitimately cannot understand why they think the game has to be the least amount of fun possible.


Exactly. You can give us healer mechanics. Give us things we have to dispel, or stack on or dodge etc. Let me be a healer. I was so excited to finally be able to do delves as my main spec. Yuck.


Nah you’re still a troll, but keep pretending that you’re not.
Can’t wait for the ‘but I’m a blue collar worker’ bit as if it has any relevance.


Yes, but that’s proof that healers are designed and expected to DPS while healing.

Welp time to go back to cheesing delves as a BDK… again. :upside_down_face:

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have you considered

  1. every other brann sucks
  2. to not do the typical blue cherry picking forum post thing

This literally makes no sense. Its effective because we are being a good healer. If we keep Bran fully healed then we are doing our job regardless of how effective it is


Yup, that’s what made me so angry when I saw this. Do they even play their own game? A healer who goes into a dungeon is there to HEAL the tanks and dps and contribute damage if party members are not in immediate danger. So it makes no sense that I would be penalized for HEALING like I am specced for.

If their worry was diversity, then that already wasn’t happening before tank Brann was added. Everyone including healers was just playing as dps and tanks and hoping that healing Brann stopped screaming about Nerubian webs long enough to throw a potion.


Have yet to try out the changes myself, but this honestly saddens me.  I was actually rather enjoying myself for a change doing Delves thanks to Tank Brann.  If it doesn’t work out, I’m going back to ignoring Delves since, you know, shaman don’t have a tank specialization to cheese like some other classes can.


Because Blizz has NEVER been heavy handed with the nerfbat in the past right?.. Maybe they should just be putting an ilvl limit on delves instead of completely gutting Brann.


I was having a lot of fun playing delves this past week, even with how often and easily Brann would die over the silliest things. This morning I backed out of an 8 tier delve because Brann kept dying near even the beginning, so I thought I’d wait til after the reset to continue.

I now have zero motivation to bother if he’s just going to die even faster. I was using him as a tank for my dps. It was challenging enough as-is.


Great, so the Aggressively Lost Hobgoblin mobs that come in groups of threes have deleted Brann within 10-20 seconds twice now on the 11 I’m running. Through Guardian Spirit and Serenity/Flash Heal spam. And I’m at 635 equipped.


Now look here doucher, we’re here to talk about Brann tanking delves, not how little work you put into your job. Go away or get back on topic (preferrably go away).


Awful awful changes, sure he was a bit strong but I feel like this was way too much. Earlier last week Bran was doing about 1 mil dps in my solo delve and it took about 20 mins to clear. Now he’s doing 500k dps and almost dying every pull.

As a healer you rely on Brann. You’re already relying on a buggy AI pet that you have no control over. You have to pull for him and many times he doesn’t even register that you’re in combat and you get nearly one shot by a mob before he does anything or he stands in everything that the mobs throw out and dies from that. On top of that if you do any multi leveled delves (new one in undermine) he constantly bugs out and gets stuck on the wrong levels.

You released delves as content for open world content, typically open world content players are lower skill level or just don’t have the time commitment for a raid schedule or to play queue simulator for mythic plus. You not only made them much more difficult and less accessible for players who may struggle with their rotations or classes but you’ve increased the time to clear delves by quite a bit with this. People who want to log on and play 30 mins to an hour to do dailies and a delve can’t do that anymore because it takes much longer to clear a delve now.

You’re treating this like it’s heroic/mythic raid content. I know the rewards are much better this season and you CAN get crafted mythic ilvl gear but it’s going to take someone nearly six months to get full crafted mythic set from delves alone and that’s if they do t11.


What a terrible set of changes.


Not sure if this is the right move. At this point who cares if Delvs are super easy. Isn’t that the point? I knocked out 11’s last week easily on my Mage. I’ll destroy them this week with him on any spec.

Heroic gear should be easy to acquire. It’s myth track gear that should require some difficulty, with progress being the hardest thing to do in game.


And there it is in print lol.

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