Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

im gonna use this as a copy pasta ty sir

What a crap game. You should have had a beta and should employ some decent devs. At this point I’m completely over it. Why play SoD as a Hunter when were still in Era while everyone else is in SoD.


Rogues don’t have a deadzone or a minimum range with their ranged weapon attacks.


No one cares, if we don’t get to have overpowered fun either do other classes.

Makes sense because they’re using pistols which are known for being better to shoot from retention position. :nerd_face:

I cannot find an actual post in print but it may be from this live chat about the 24 minute mark I believe.

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Thank you.

season of discovering you must use all passive runes to really “change” how you play the game

Mine uses a bow just like the hunter… and it has a bow animation with it too.

No explanation, just “screw hunters?”

Every class is playing Season of Discovery except hunters. They’re playing Season of Nerfs.

How dare the class that can ONLY dps be good at dps?

This game is a joke.

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Hilarious, is there an active rune still worth using? What do I put on legs if not using cat?

Btw classic players wouldn’t be able to stand retail KC either, it still shows up as a pet ability in the logs.

Is this actually live? Because I’ve gotten hit by plenty of lightning breaths for 250-300 tonight, lol.

Crazy how instantaneously all the fotm hunters swap out their fotm pets.

Weird, we had the hunter pet tank Kelris again tonight and he did just fine.

so I guess kill command needs a rework for SoD because this is a pretty lame/borning skill. Explosive and Chimera are still very lackluster, lone wolf is a dps loss. I mean most hunter runes just kinda suck other then BM.


RIP hunter


Yes, they have. Kill command no longer scales lightning breath. The blue post even says its live already, but will be added to the next patch notes so its documented there.

tfw when you’re a baby lmao

:baby: :baby: :baby:

uh oh someone doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Go on to WCL and look at actual raid data and come back before you say nonsense. “Broken pet” BM is #3 behind warriors and rogues.


We’ve gone full circle; back to cat pet just like in the original game.