I don’t want to be rude, but when’s the last time you checked out this whole ‘outside’ thing? It’s safer than it’s ever been.
I can understand if you’re agoraphobic or something, but acting as if it’s just objectively dangerous is a bit silly. And even introverts can do a lot outside the house - it’s not all ‘bars and parties’.
I know youre being facetious, but truly it can ruin your life. The article talks about ruined relationships that would have probably been really fruitful had the gaming addiction not gotten in the way. Not only that, but think about the other parties involved. The people around you that might have wanted to hang out or something and it couldve cultivated a friendship for years, but because you wouldve rather gamed than hang out that friendship ended earlier than it shouldve.
While I completely agree with everything you’ve said, you did forget to mention (purposely?) warforging/titanforging. The reason why some players might spam m+ over and over is for that chance. That chance doesn’t diminish the more m+ dungeons you attempt. That RNG based content could be a trigger for addiction.
Some people might. You never know. By posting something, you could be changing someones life for the better. All it takes is one person to make a difference.
Though you didn’t direct this at me, I can’t help but respond.
With all due respect, my legitimate reaction to your words is that they are so out of touch with reality they’re honestly shocking.
I genuinely don’t understand how encouraging someone to actually engage with reality is ‘out of touch’ from it, but alright.
There’s plenty of activities in that big, scary world introverted people can get into - places where they can play board games, new food to try, things to experience that don’t necessitate them having to be a social butterfly.
I’m fairly introverted myself, but I’d never, ever encourage someone to just whittle away their life in the house forever.
Considering how dangerous the area I live in is, yes. It’s also 10’F outside.
I don’t have any friends in this town. I don’t know anybody.
Done that before. Don’t have the transportation for it now.
I’m terrible at teaching and it’s been a decade since I had a math class.
They live about 1000 miles away.
In all seriousness, I am not dating material. I have PTSD from being in abusive relationships; even being hugged makes me break down into anxiety. Can’t get help for my issues because there isn’t any I can acquire access to.
Multiple instances of human trafficking have occurred around these parts. It’s not safe at all here, especially for a defenseless and frail person like me.
Don’t do that. Don’t act like something is wrong with that person because they choose to be introverted and avoid social scenes, etc. There is nothing wrong with them for this, but there is something wrong with anyone thinking there is. You do you and just you.
Why is it Blizzard’s responsibility to control this? Aside from people just making their own choices, it is in Blizzard’s interest to care about players who play a lot. I will not argue that a company should want their customers to be healthy, but for them to put limiters or more awareness or anything in game is unnecessary.
Perhaps a good alternative (that I believe Hearthstone does moderately well) is make WoW centered gatherings a bigger thing than just Blizzcon and online tournaments. Blizzard is not responsible for our health but the company can offer ways to meet each other in person. Along with that, I know several guilds that do meet ups at events or live near each other and schedule such things. If the solution to this is having a big “YOU HAVE PLAYED 5 HOURS TODAY” in my face then that would be rather annoying, especially when you consider a lot of time in WoW can sometimes be people afking in Trade and doing IRL things.
On a side note, nobody likes a health crusader. People are generally capable of making their own choices, good or bad, and there are very few things more personally offensive than somebody telling you how you ought to live your life because they feel they know better than you do.
You want to help people, then go volunteer to directly improve the lives of people in need, instead of trying to maybe help “one person” via sanctimony.
Sounds like someone needs to sing a christmas carol! Forreal though, i think some ‘slam poetry’ may do you some very much good. There are a lot of people out there with very similar issues and you arent alone.
Geez…who stole your cheerios? If i help one person by posting this then so be it. Im just getting the word out. Ill take the insult of being a health crusader or w.e if it makes you feel better to call someone a name.