Add Wookies to alliance

which would be better - wookies or tuskan raiders?

would you create that character here?

what kinda wookie would you make???

No, the horde shall have those walking carpets first, Furr The Horde.

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remember microsoft wants to buy blizzard - they are planniong to make a race of Bill gates for the horde and wookies for alliance

The only Wookie I ever really liked is the black one from the Book of Boba Fett.

would you make that character int he game if u could

As an NPC, yes, but not as a playable race.

what if they made a wookie island and people would go there for adventures

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Disney would likely sue.


That could be cool!


There’s this though… :neutral_face:

what if disney merged with blizzard

That isn’t happening lol…

but you would love it if they did

Why would anyone want that? Disney got out of the business of making games and now outsources everything.

but they can buy rights to it like they did star wars and marvel

Yeah and then outsource it to another company that isn’t interested in making games. Disney had some of their games made by EA. They aren’t near the best option.

EA used to make Bards tale

A lot of companies weren’t crap before they became crap. Started when they became public and had shareholders to please.

Now EA is the company with surprise mechanics. And a lot of Disney’s outsourced games are gacha. Look at most of the Marvel games.

have not played any of them - are they good, average, or bad