Add Void Elf High Elf Paladins to help Balance Mythic + Alliance Side

Give an inch they take a mile . . .


I don’t think high elves were ever paladins anyway originally

Mages, priests, hunters/rangers are the three most iconic high elf classes

blood elves was never fel infused, they used fel as a powersource for their defenses, which made fel radiation and it effected their eye color, but they where never fel infused. If they where, they would all be felblood elves.

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I loved that. we are scientists, b1tchs

Oh no :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: suggestions :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: by consumers :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: to a company :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:


Yes! please! I’m dying for a high elven, alliance paladin


The ones that did remained loyal to silvermoon, thus are blood elves pretty much (although there was non green eyed blood elves aka horde high elves, but meh)

Other then the single high elf in dal that is a pally, the only notable alliance high elf paladin is actually a half elf, Arator.

Other consumers suggest they don’t ruin paladins like they did void elves.


Yeah but oh no :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: more suggestions :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: oh no oh no :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

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and more suggestions that says other wise, oh dear no!

Bears, lions, and tigers oh my!

What ever shall blizzard do? :broken_heart:

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Take the easy path, don’t add VE paladins :stuck_out_tongue:

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My point was more appeasing the playerbase than bastardize a class. At this point I think we’re kind of past that. Whether they get the class or not is less my concern and more about the complaining and endless feuds over it. At this point you’ve already gone halfway with the customizations you might well fully commit because you can’t put that genie back in the bottle.

I’m just very, very tired of nonstop void elf talk and I know it will never stop. I mean the Zandalari have Light Loa Paladins, which is something I really wouldn’t call a Paladin either, but in context to the game system, it’s a Paladin. Just give them what they want at this point so we can stop this nightmare and try to not destroy the lore while doing it, but let’s face it, it’s Blizzard. It’s what they do.


Yeah it’d be dumb but it’s blizzard I would never waste my time or energy caring about anything they add to Sylvanas Land

Not even the Sylvanascoaster?


Also give Mechagnome druid. It wouldn’t make any sense but they’d be little transformers.


Still hoping sylvannis will end up as a pile of ash at the end of this story. Maybe we’ll get lucky with the changes the team is making.


The hyperbole is strong in this one.

There are no playable High Elves in the game and Void Elves cannot be paladins because Void Elves are infused with void and paladins are infused with light and when mixed together, they explode!

Having faction/race/class distinctions adds complexity, variety and flavor to the game.

There are 194 race/class combos. 194!!!

Why is this not enough? How overindulged are people these days that 194 options is not enough?

Personally, I think they should remove or at least change several they already have like Night Elf mages, Goblin Shamans, Undead priests (make it shadow only) and Tauren paladins (change the name) because they do not make sense.

But if I felt I absolutely had to play a paladin style class on a void tainted race, I would be advocating for Shadow Paladins.

The only way they bring void elf paladin is if they just open the flood gates and let every races be every classes.


ugh don’t encourage them.


Honestly, the Void Elves that actually embrace the Void are fine and dandy in my book. Sucks that any work that gets budgeted for you guys get in the future will likely be spent on giving more to the High Elf side instead of giving you more void drip.