Add paladin to void elves

They can easily change it so that since the void is the opposite of light then the void paladins use the same looking animations but void power so just change the paladins spell color from light to purple and done.

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I was promised void murlocs!

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And how many years of complaining did it take to get alliance high elves?

You can look forward to another 15 years of asking for paladins. Based on the way you talk, you deserve no less.

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You deserve a void elf paladin that is only usable with the void elf appearances, and is disabled with anything blonde, blue eyed, or with non-void skin tones.

Seriously, what a garbage attitude.

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 that’s not how it works though

See shadow mend

Notice how it says “heal but for a price”

Void powers do what you want it to be but it has consequences, like void elves have to resist the whispers to use said power

If a void elf gave in to the powers like paladins do with the light, they be insane like N’Zoth followers

Giving them Paladins but change colors to suit their void elf fantasy literally doesn’t make sense

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I want voidadins! Not helf paladins :frowning_face:

See, I’d go the route of completely retconning the Void Elves as a whole back into High Elves first. Then there’s no issue. And yes, there already were High Elven paladins before hand - one Sin’dorei Blood Knight NPC claims he was literally trained by Uther, no less.

Point is, correcting a grotesque mistake is infinitely better than doubling down and comiting another on top of it by creating Void Elf Paladins. If you’re going to retcon something, it should be to undo something stupid, not enable more stupidity.

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. . . Do ah look like I know what a jay peg is? (I can’t link videos)

No there’s still a problem regardless

Paladins are infused with light

Void elves already trying to resist to whispers of the void

Letting themselves infused to the void to be a “paladin”, they are just now considered N’Zoths army


Nice try but Blizzard can just easily retcon that little fact to give the people what they want and that is paladins for velfs.

Right, let’s remove all Allied Races and forget this whole thing ever happened.


Infusing yourself to the light = paladin

Infusing yourself to the void = going insane

Sorry you don’t want to believe in Truth but that’s how it is


writes in a new discovery made by aleria and her paladin lover that overcomes that obstacle.

Wow that was super difficult, paladins now please.

But damn we’d look good going out! :rofl:

No no, you’re not following this right.

First, retcon the Void Elves back into High Elves. Thus, NO VOID. No Void whispers, no random tentacles, no out-of-nowhere idiot blueberry elves, none of that.

Just plain, simple, vanilla High Elves. Boring? Maybe, but if that were a crime, we’d have had to eliminate the equally vanilla Dwarves long ago.

Now, with just High Elves on the roster, Paladins wouldn’t be so unthinkable. That’s a discussion to be had. Maybe, or maybe not on that front. A High Elf Paladin has precedent within the Lore. It’s a thing. Maybe it’s not a common thing, or a thing enough to make it available to all High Elves everywhere, but it’s not an inherent, stupid contradiction.

A “maybe” is infinitely better than the hard, fast, obvious “NO!!!” that the notion of Void Elf paladins deserves.

You don’t know your lore :rofl:

Light and void are literally opposites of one another

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You don’t seem to understand Blizzard doesn’t care about their lore and will change it as needed to fit whatever change they want like they will for velf paladins.

And I’m here to tell you as of right now your request is literally impossible to do so

You’re trying to ask a light themes class to be on a void infused race

They literally can’t mix because being a paladin means you are infused with the light, you believe in the light strongly


Sometimes I think life would just be better had Blizzard gone the simple route and made the original roster for Alliance, Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes and High elves and never gave Horde any form of elf. Would it have killed the Horde? Well if the Horde needed only one race to survive then it didn’t deserve to be playable in the first place I guess.

Once again

If it was retcon to high elves being the first as void elves

High elf paladins will still lose their powers to the light because they are now using void powers

That’s like asking death knights to use nature magic to heal because they want to, when life and death is completely opposite

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