Add Great Vault Row for Torghast

Laudable, but unachievable. For every reasonable attempt by Blizz to provide options, some people will complain (loudly) that it is mandatory and overwhelming.

I think options are great, but that “mandatory/overwhelming” tone is something you see on the forums (e.g., Choreghast, Maw dailies suck, too many WQs, too much this/that, etc.). On the other hand, the forums seem to over-represent a small portion of the populace that has a tendency to complain more way more often than compliment. Complainers like a platform to lodge their complaints, while people happy with the game are going about their daily in-game activities that they enjoy, so no surprise that forums see more complaints than compliments.

Blizzard knows this and uses their internal data for most development decisions, primarily ignoring forum feedback unless it’s overwhelming (like the extreme negative response to Torhast difficulty increases).


lets not make this expantion into BFA or previus expantions with too much free loot… give people a reason to play the game. dont make it to easy. cheers!

Though i agree on this,there are several things that pop up in mind,just to in the middle.

One,level of loot< what’s the intent cosmetic or gear?
Two,what would be the floor level needed for the vault to get any loot?
Three,would this be a gold making attempt?

It’s just an additional option in the great vault. I guess you can consider it “free loot” if people only did torghast for the great vault and zero mythical, raids, etc… but then it’s just weekly, and could be an appropriate item level.

It’s not supposed to be mandatory once you have leggos. IMO this is a good thing. People can skip it if they want. Add a vault option and it starts to feel like required content. Personally I like it as it is.

A possible downside of adding it to the pool of gear progression is that Blizzard would start balancing anima powers. I personally wouldn’t mind if things were a bit more equal between classes, but I’m sure the majority of players would dislike their favorite builds getting nerfed.

The joy from Torghast is unlocking different forms of Super Saiyan as you progress through each floor. Some classes/specs are currently able to unlock Ultra Instinct(Unholy DK/Arms Warrior)… while others are stuck somewhere between SS2 and SS3. Those at the top would hate it if they were suddenly brought back down to mortal status to make things “fair”.

They say they’re considering putting recommended ilvl in place for Torghast.

So, show us the math.

Clear an 8, your option is the suggested ilvl for an 8.

Only if the alternate reward is soul ash and not something dumb like stygia. Otherwise don’t bother.

I am already carrying too much stygia so I’m afraid to die and I can’t spend any more until I get more rep. It’s a vicious circle. I made the mistake of not keeping my stygia condensed.

There are no loot drops in Torghast – what loot would populate the three tiers of drops for a Torghast row in the Great Vault?

As someone who am okay with the loot changes I completely agree with this. I personally clear every single mob from every floor. If I’m going to spend an hour on each run I should be getting something more than soul Ash.

Don’t get me wrong I love torgast, but getting a handful of Ash doesn’t doesn’t feel great. Honestly I’m more annoyed that I need to pay gold upgrade my legendaries but whatever

I would actually be fine with something like this although I don’t see Blizzard going through with it. But yeah. It’s probably not a bad idea.

It would be decent for alts but knowing blizzard it wont happen cuz “too much lootz”

I mean, they made TG the only source of soul ash because they knew it would guarantee almost everyone running it weekly because nobody who cares about their performance at all is going to not have the best piece of gear they can get.

On top of that they stuck story quests in there to make sure the people who didn’t care about performance still at least went a few times, including to the harder TC wings.

The only way they could have made TG more mandatory would be to just have everyone automatically log in there Tuesday and have to do it to get out and go on about your business.

Don’t forget Ion hinted that those people hitting the maw hard would be happy in the future. The rest of us who were glad they weren’t “mandatory” and have been avoiding that place are probably screwed.

If alts are clearing 8 layers in Torghast, they can probably do the other content from the GV anyway, so not sure how this would be helpful.

This is a good idea. It would give players an opportunity to do solo content to get gear. Currently all of the vault rewards are dependent on a group activity, something that is very hit or miss if you are pugging, on top of an already dismal drop rate…so the vault doesn’t really represent your skill as a player as much as how well you can be carried/what your guild is capable of as a whole (if you are in a guild).

Then it rng ,so does it matter? You know they’ll do that for sure.

Not sure what you mean. If you only clear CN you only get loot options for raid in the GV. If you only do M+ dungeons, you only get loot options for dungeons in the GV.

So since Torghast has zero loot tables, what loot would be awarded on the Torghast row? It won’t just be “RNG” among all the loot tables because that would make the other rows irrelevant.

Ah you mean TC

No, TC rewards are fine for once a thing.

Now on the weekly chore of getting soul ash that’s another conversation.

Exactly this x100. It still doesn’t give you MORE gear, just a better selection of gear!

But the rewards from the other activities in the “Great Vault” are like old, lower stuff and duplicates.