But it just floats and doesn’t move
what if it pops and you’re in fatigue or crocolisk infested waters??
then y9ou need to rescue them
Id like to see a tape worm mount for undeads
But taste much worse.
Yes please,
Oh and we also NEED an easily obtainable raccoon mount.
Let’s not forget, Dude, that keeping an amphibious mammal, you know, within the city limits…that’s not legal either.
Get an Ottuk mount and just pretend its a ferret that’s really good at swimming!
u wot mate
Haha! Small world!
I made fun of Gnomes on moonguard trade chat today and you got upset too.
i am the gnome police
Giant steamroller mount first.
so a roller made from steam
This, I want a giant raccoon. Also as a Hunter I’m requesting a tameable raccoon.
I want to ride a giant trash panda with my battle trash panda by my side as my battle pet Trashy watches on.
what about if you were dressed as a ferret riding a racoon